Saturday, March 15, 2025

Vape News

More Than 80% of Doctors Think Nicotine Causes Cancer

What do medical schools teach about nicotine? Not much, if the results of a recent Rutgers University study are to be believed. Like...

Gene Variant in People of East Asian Descent May Cause Heart Stress From E-Cigs

“This study highlights the importance of understanding the interplay of genetics with e-cigarette aerosol exposure,...

The Coronavirus Pandemic Leads to Increased Smoking Rates

A recent UK study of about 2,000 people conducted between the 30th of April and...

Why New York Vape Shops are Moving to Native American Reservations 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new $117 billion budget signed last April, has set in place some...

Court Awards Smoore $5.4 Million for Counterfeit Products

A New York federal judge recently granted Vaporesso parent, Shenzhen Smoore Technology a $5.4 million default judgment and permanent injunction against over 100 defendants accused of selling...

New York Lawmaker Wants 25 as Age to Purchase Vapor

A legislator in Long Island legislator introduced a bill that would raise the age for vaping and smoking cigarettes from 21 to 25...

India: Vapers Will Protest Ban on Sept. 18th Anniversary

Indian vaping advocates will hold simultaneous protests around the country this Friday, Sept. 18, to mark one year since the Indian government banned...

Record Marijuana Use Among Young U.S. Adults

The vaping of marijuana and nicotine among those aged 19 to 22 more than doubled between 2017 and 2019, according to the University...