Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Vape News

Suffolk County, NY Legislator Proposes Tobacco 25 Law

A Suffolk County, New York legislator has proposed a ban on sales of tobacco and vaping products to anyone under age 25. Federal...

Canadian Review Links E-Cig Adverts to Increase in Teen Vaping 

“This is the first study of its kind that makes direct links between reasons for...

The 3rd Scientific Summit on Tobacco Harm Reduction: Novel products, Research & Policy

The largest tobacco harm reduction summit (this year held online) has concluded from Athens in...

Boulder Intl. Receives PMTA Acceptance Letter From FDA

Boulder International announced its premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) has been accepted by the U.S. the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Boulder’s initial...

Air Factory Receives PMTA Acceptance for 72 Flavors

My Vape Order (MVO) received its premarket tobacco product application acceptance letter, yesterday, Oct. 2. The company announced that the letter from the...

IQOS Rollout Slowed by Covid Pandemic

Tobacco and vapor product analyst Bonnie Herzog of Goldman Sachs cites the Covid-19 pandemic as the main reason Philip Morris International (PMI) and...

Health Institute Says Belgium’s Vaping Law ‘Too Vague’

The Belgian law regulating the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products is still too vague, the Sciensano Public Health Institute said Thursday. The...

Iran Launches Five-Year Tobacco Control National Plan 

The program will unfold over the course of five years, and will eventually be launched...