Vape News
Clear Consideration – Vapor Voice
Aquila Solutions helps vapor companies format their PMTA submissions to FDA requirements.
By Timothy S. Donahue
The deadline has passed. Now, for a vapor product...
Vape News
The Canadian Vaping Association: Why Vape Taxes Lead to Higher Smoking Rates
There is no denying it, increased vaping rates are directly correlating to decreased smoking rates...
Vape News
Australia to Launch Senate Inquiry Into Vaping to Set Clear E-Cig Laws
A selected THR committee is set to analyse the strategies successfully adopted in other countries,...
Vape News
Major Survey of European Nicotine Consumers Launched
An important survey of nicotine consumers across Europe is launching today. The survey will gauge public opinion ahead of 2021 European Union (EU)...
Vape News
New Cannabis Stores in Works across Northwest
Northwestern Ontario's cannabis market is far from tapped, if the steady stream of applications to build new retail outlets is any indication.
Sixteen businesses...
Vape News
Health Group Wants Irish Government to Impose E-Cig Tax
The Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) wants the Irish government to impose an excise tax of $.06 per millilitre of e-liquid. It is expected...
Vape News
Relx and LGD team up created the Relx LGD closed vape pod battery device limited edition
by Martin Smith
Vape News
Why Trump Doesn’t Want Cannabis on the Ballot
Say what you will of Donald Trump, nobody has ever accused the man of being shy. So we must assume that when it...