Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Vape News

Wales Teens Vape Less, Smoke More Cigarettes

E-cigarette use among young people has fallen for the first time in Wales, according to research by Cardiff University. But the decline in 11...

Vapor and E-Cigarette Sales Surging at C-Stores, Up 6.8%

While the e-cigarette and vaping product industry overall is struggling everywhere from regulatory challenges to competition from nicotine replacement products to disruption amid...

The Canadian Vaping Association Responds to Study Linking E-Cigs to Lung Injuries

“Atomizers use a variety or metal options and nickel chromium alloy is not uncommon. If...

Over a Million UK Smokers Quit Smoking Due to The Covid-19 Pandemic

Between April 15th to June 20th, over one million people in Britain gave up smoking.A...

Vape Taxes and Cannabis on State Ballots Nov. 3rd

Voters on Nov. 3 will be choosing the U.S. President and Vice President, 35 U.S. Senators, all 435 U.S. House of Representatives members,...

PMTA Filing Letter Received for Disposable MNGO

The makers of the disposable MNGO e-cigarettes and disposables announced today that it has advanced received a filing letter for its premarket tobacco...

California’s Attorney General Sues Vape Brand

E-Juice Vapors failed to comply with numerous age verification requirements, intended to prevent youth from...

US Researchers Say Heating Elements In E-Cigs May Cause Lung Damage

The large-scale study titled, “Heating in vaping device as cause for lung injury, study shows,”...