Russell County looks into the problem of selling vapes to young people
There was a recent investigation on the distribution of tobacco and vapor products to minors by an undercover sting operation in Russell County, Virginia.
FDA is punishing a vape shop who sells vapes to minors
The federal Food and Drug Administration is penalizing a Chapel Street vape shop for the sales of e-cigarette liquid products to minors based on...
Washington Senate passes e-cigarette tax bill
Earlier this month, the Washington Senate passed a bill to levy taxes on e-cigarette products, allegedly designed to prevent young people from using e-cigarettes.
In order to promote the legalization of vapes, he decided to run for the Legislative Council!
Wang Yuyang, the toughest vaper, chairman of the Taiwan Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (TTHRA), announced that he will participate in Taiwan's 2020 legislative elections....
Dubai imposes fines on anyone who violates local e-cigarette regulations
Following the legalization of e-cigarette sales in Dubai this year, the Dubai government issued a warning that anyone who vapes in an unauthorized area...
Hong Kong
Hong Kong E Cigarette Law – Read Before Vaping in Hong Kong
Hong Kong vape laws:
Under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Chapter 138, Laws of Hong Kong), nicotine is a Part I poison. E-cigarette and e-liquid containing nicotine...
Japan’s latest all-round smoking ban doesn’t ban vapes
Japan has issued a national smoking ban recently, luckily, the heat not burn and vapes will not be affected. And it may lead to...
Hong Kong
The Vape Shop Hong Kong brief introduction – Vape shop Hong Kong price
The Vape Shop Hong Kong is the best well-know vape shop in Hong Kong. This shop sells all kinds of vape products and e-liquids...