Saturday, July 27, 2024

SNOWPLUS Excutive Bios


Derek Li, Head of International Business
Derek Li, Head of International Business

Derek graduated from Northwestern University with majors in mathematics, economics,
and social sciences. He has worked for Citi Investment Banking and Bain Capital Private
Equity and has assumed managerial positions at a number of invested companies. He
helped multiple over US500 million worth companies develop their strategic blueprints
and facilitated their implementation. Derek has extensive management experience and
profound insights into corporate operation, international business development, and
cross-border cooperation.

Frank Wang, Overseas Marketing Lead
Frank Wang, Overseas Marketing Lead

9 years’ experience in branding and marketing communication, former PR head of OPPO
Europe, used to work for branding campaigns of Samsung, IKEA, Tiffany Co., Vera
Wang, etc. Frank is a PhD candidate at Communication University of China (CUC).

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