Saturday, July 27, 2024

RELX vape brand headquarters established the Communist Party branch


The Communist Party Branch of RELX (Beijing Fog Core Technology Co., Ltd.) was formally established and held its founding meeting in the Beijing headquarters office of RELX recently.

Jin Yu, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Walnut Garden Community, Hujialou Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, made a speech at the meeting.
Jin Yu, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Walnut Garden Community, Hujialou Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, made a speech at the meeting.

At the founding meeting, Jin Yu, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Hetaoyuan Community, Hujialou Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, said that the establishment of non-state-owned enterprise party organizations not only adds bricks and tiles to the grass-roots party organization building, but also better transmits the Party’s principles and policies to the grass-roots level and gathers the strength of grass-roots party members. Non-state-owned enterprises should firmly surround the Party Central Committee, maintain consistency with the Party Central Committee, start from themselves, strengthen ideological awareness, jointly maintain social stability, jointly promote social harmony and participate in social construction. Community Party committees will also firmly support the development and construction of Party branches in non-public enterprises and help enterprises develop.

RELX CEO Wang Ying Speaking at the Meeting
RELX CEO Wang Ying – Kate Wang Speaking at the Meeting

In the view of Wang Ying, CEO of RELX, for enterprises, Party building is strong while development is strong. If Party building is done in a solid way, it means productivity, if it is done in detail, it means cohesion, and if it is strengthened, it means competitiveness. The service and promotion of Party building work should form a virtuous circle between enterprise development and Party building work.

Wang Ying said that the reason why RELX put the construction of non-state-owned enterprise party branch on the important agenda of the company’s construction and development shortly after its start-up is that their “old” party members all hold the firm belief of “never forgetting their first heart and remembering their mission”. If they want to do a good job in the enterprise, they must firmly resolve to build and strengthen the party organization and give full play to its work. Only by upholding the principle of honesty and innovation, adhering to the concept of honest management and focusing on innovation, can they promote their own high-quality development and better meet the growing needs of the people for a better life.

Zhang Fan, Special Assistant to RELX CEO and Secretary of Party Branch, addressed the meeting.
Zhang Fan, Special Assistant to RELX CEO and Secretary of Party Branch, addressed the meeting.

Talking about how to integrate Party building into enterprise development, Zhang Fan, Special Assistant CEO of RELX Science and Technology and Secretary of Party Branch, said,”First, we should learn and carry forward Jinggangshan Spirit, Long March Spirit, Yan’an Spirit and Xibaipo Spirit, and combine these spirits with the development of the company, constantly consolidate the foundation and strengthen the implementation of Party organization construction; second, we should earnestly implement the Nineteenth Party Congress. In the spirit of the Party, we should take innovation and development as the core driving force, adhere to quality as the lifeline, create value as the greatest responsibility, integrate Party building work with business closely, and promote business through Party building. Thirdly, we should take Party branch as the fulcrum, give full play to the role of Party organization, continue to promote business development, and make Party building work a powerful grasp of innovation and development of the company and actively fulfill social responsibilities. Under the leadership of the Party organizations at higher levels, we will continue to draw on advanced experience and do well the work of Party branches, so that our Party building work can truly become a powerful driving force for the company’s business.”

A group photo of the participants in the founding meeting of the RELX Communist Party branch
A group photo of the participants in the founding meeting of the RELX Communist Party branch

It is understood that Beijing RELX Technology Co., Ltd. is a young technology-based start-up company, a new force of non-state-owned enterprises. At present, there are 243 staff members, of whom 32 are full party members, and the proportion of Party members is 13.2%. After the company’s preparations and declarations, the Street Party Committee and the Community Party Committee strictly inspected and approved the establishment of the Party branch of Beijing RELX Technology Co., Ltd.

As far as is concerned, asking for the support and admission from the governor Communist Party of China and showing the supporting attitude to Party while developing non-state-owned vape enterprise are the best way to reduce the business risk and policy hazard. After all, the tobacco business was always monopolized by the government before the vape industry showing up in China.

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