Given all the variations available, device and liquid characteristics should be considered when using ENDS as cessation tools.
Titled, “Clinical Pharmacology of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS): Implications for Benefits and Risks in the Promotion of the Combusted Tobacco Endgame,” the study emphasises the potential of ENDS in promoting smoking cessation while exposing users to lower levels of toxicants in comparison to conventional cigarettes.
The research team highlighted that since nicotine and toxicant delivery vary considerably by device and smokers tend to titrate their nicotine intake to maintain their desired level, device and liquid characteristics should be considered when using ENDS as cessation tools.
Moreover, added the researchers, users should keep in mind that long-term safety of these products remains unknown and there are also the widespread concerns regarding addiction amongst teens.
E-cigarette users were more successful at smoking cessation than non-users
Meanwhile, another recent study titled, “Electronic cigarettes in standard smoking cessation treatment by tobacco counselors in Flanders: E-cigarette users show similar if not higher quit rates as those using commonly recommended smoking cessation aids,” looked into the smoking cessation success of smokers who attempted to quit via vaping.
Participants were recruited by tobacco counselors, and followed a smoking cessation treatment (in group) for 2 months. The participants were followed for 7 months after the quit date, and asked to fill out questionnaires and asked to hand in eCO measurements.
“One third of all participants (n = 244) achieved smoking abstinence 7 months after the quit date, with e-cigarette users having higher chances to be smoking abstinent at the final session compared to NRT users,” reported the researchers.
Focus on Teen Vaping Prevention is Negatively Affecting Adult Smoking Cessation Efforts