Sunday, March 16, 2025

What is the composition of IQOS heat stick


IQOS heats heat stick to temperatures below 350 ° C without burning, without flames, and no tobacco burning flavor. Lower temperature heating releases the true taste of the tobacco. Harmful chemicals are significantly reduced compared to cigarettes.

Today,buyecigkits as one of the online ecig shop offering the products free shipping over the world analyzed the structure of the iqos heat stick

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Here we go

We can divide heat not burn menthol marlboro heat stick into four sections, respectively, cut tobacco, primary filter cotton, ventilation duct, secondary filter cotton

Cut tobacco

Cut tobacco is the original pulp paper soaked in vape liquid,which is different from traditional cigarette. It is small and long.It turns into black after heating, it is not reusable. Its advantages are harmless, smokeless ash, and no pollution. (carbonization effect after use)

2. Primary filter cotton

Its structure is an intermediate hollow ring, which has a buffering effect and a filtering effect, and will adhere to yellow after heating.

3. Ventilation catheter

This design material is partly made up of corn whiskers, and the natural material is non-polluting and degradable. It is a superior filtration device. Its composition is a new type of bio-based, and its ingredients are refined, it is recognized as a non-polluting, green material. Its main function is to filter the tar filtration itself. The amount of tar is almost 0.0000, so there is no need to worry about the production of tar.

4. The secondary filter cotton

It is closest to the mouth, which is necessarily the most significant filtering effect,differently, Traditional cigarette filters are used to reduce the entrance to smoking.

The raw material of the heat not burn menthol marlboro heat stick is made of cellulose, dissolved, separated, synthesized, shaped, and cut. The finer the fiber, the higher the filtration efficiency.

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