Saturday, March 15, 2025

Vpz, a British e-cigarette retailer, launched vape clinic smoking cessation service


Vpz, a UK based e-cigarette retailer, launched vape clinic service at its flagship store in Newbridge on July 5. The coach of vape clinic is an expert who helps smokers quit smoking and provides them with advice, foreign reports said.

The company now plans to launch the service in all locations in the coming months to meet the growing demand for smoking cessation services. During the covid-19 smoking ban, the number of local smoking cessation services and smokers’ retailers decreased significantly, and thousands of smokers were denied any services to help them quit, the report said.

“In the UK, about 78000 people die from smoking every year, and with more life-threatening smoking related diseases, vape clinics have been designed to support smokers in the country to quit smoking. Vpz is confident of the success of the new vape clinic service, and we are committed to providing a refund guarantee for purchased hardware and any unopened E-liquid boxes and coils if customers cannot completely switch to e-cigarettes. “

Doug mutter, head of vpz, said the company was taking the lead in the fight against America’s number one killer: smoking. He said that the “quit smoking coach” has been trained and has professional knowledge to meet the personalized needs of customers. Many experts are former smokers who quit smoking through e-cigarettes, so they understand the ups and downs of the journey.

“As a result of the increase in smoking rates triggered by the pandemic, public health issues have been compounded by cuts in funding from the National Health Service (NHS) smoking cessation service and local support groups,” mut said in a press release. Our new vape clinic concept is an investment to fill the gap left by the loss of local NHS smoking cessation services. We are confident in the success of the new service, and we will provide customers with a refund guarantee if they can’t switch completely. “

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