Saturday, March 15, 2025

Vaping Demystified Film Plus More Vaping News


Vaping Demystified Film

Vaping Demystified Film Released

Vaping Demystified is a new film featuring a host of medical experts, an ex smoker and the UK vaping industry, and it’s an absolute blockbuster!

It’s been produced by the pro-vaping Yorkshire Cancer Research and blows away all those vaping myths the media just loves to splash.

vaping demystified film

Those taking part include:

  • Dr Kathryn Scott; Chief Executive, Yorkshire Cancer Research
  • Dr Sharon Cox; Senior Researcher, University College London
  • Dr Amir Khan; GP at The Ridge Medical Practice, Bradford
  • Martin Dockrell; Tobacco Control Lead, Public Health England
  • Liam Humberstone; Engagement and Stewardship Lead, IBVTA
  • Louise Ross; Cessation Specialist and Vice Chair of New Nicotine Alliance
  • Clive Bates; Former Director, Action on Smoking and Health

Talk about a pro-vaping dream team!

It’s good to see an ex smoker’s story included too.

His name is Mike Sugden, and his personal quit story is also featured on the superb Yorkshire Cancer Research website.

In a foreword to charity’s position statement on vaping, Dr Kathryn Scott; Chief Executive, Yorkshire Cancer Research, writes:

We believe there is a need for evidenced-based information on vaping products that provides the facts clearly.
Vaping is far less harmful than smoking and switching completely can improve health substantially, compared to continuing to smoke.
It’s never too late to stop smoking. Even after a diagnosis of cancer, quitting smoking can have positive benefits on treatment and outcomes.
We urge smokers to make the switch and get in touch with a free local stop smoking service for support.


The new Vaping Demystified film goes a very long way to dispel the misconceptions around vaping and really does need to be spread far and wide.

Gillian Golden, IBVTA Chief Executive said:

The IBVTA is extremely proud to contribute to the greater understanding of the opportunity that vaping represents to public health across Yorkshire.
Especially coming so soon after the publication of PHE’s seventh evidence report, which found that although vaping was better than NRT for quitting smoking, misunderstanding about e-cigarettes was preventing more smokers making the switch.
We hope the film and campaign are a huge success and more smokers across Yorkshire will have the confidence to give vaping a try.

As I said, the website has a wealth of knowledge and the true facts about vaping, and is well worth a read.

Checkout the Vaping Demystified film below – it’s already had close to 350,000 views, and please spread it far and wide:

WHO Vape Ban Stalled?

It looks like the WHO has backed away from discussing a global vape ban later this year – at least for now – citing ‘lack of time‘ for discussion.

The matter will still be raised at the COP9 meeting in November, but no detailed discussions will take place until COP10 in 2023.

world harm organization

No doubt the anti-vaping WHO will still continue with it’s bizarre and dangerous policy of seeking vape bans wherever it can.

The release of the COP9 agenda says:

…the Bureau decided that the reports prepared by WHO (Comprehensive report on research and evidence on novel and emerging tobacco products, contained in document FCTC/COP/9/9) and by the Convention Secretariat (Challenges posed by and classification of novel and emerging tobacco products, contained in document FCTC/COP/9/10), should be presented for information and that related substantive discussions should be deferred to COP10.
The COP is invited to note the reports and to defer discussion to COP10.

A classic example of red taped gobbledygook if I ever saw it lol.

Leading vape advocate Clive Bates told Filter Magazine:

Whatever the timetable, we can rely on WHO to produce anti-vaping propaganda and push for vaping prohibition at every COP, casually and carelessly putting millions of lives at risk.

The problem isn’t what goes into the meeting agenda, but the fact that WHO actually wants to ban vaping while cigarettes are available everywhere.

Wise words as always.

I expect I’ll be reporting a lot more about the WHO and it’s crazed anti-vaping stance…unless of course the billionaires stop funding its programmes…

Vape Free Schools Scholarship Fund

Despite the continued dramatic fall of the number of American teens that have tried vaping or are vaping, a medical charity has just launched a vape free schools scholarship.

The American Lung Association wants to raise a whopping $400,000 which it hopes will give 1,000 schools a ‘seat’ at a cost of $400 per pop!

teen vaping rates plunge

It’s targeting schools in Vermont as a start where it says 1 in 5 kids vape…ummm…

Not sure where they plucked that figure…

Worse is the fact the charity is labeling e-cigarettes as tobacco products… *sighs*

Anyway, the courses offered will included sessions with kids at risk of suspension for smoking or vaping and vaping and smoking cessation courses.

Deborah Brown, American Lung Association Chief Mission Officer said:

With 28.2% of Vermont high school students using tobacco products, our communities need help in supporting students impacted by tobacco use.

As the nation’s trusted champion of lung health, the American Lung Association is proud to off offer Vermont schools, parents and students proven approaches to end youth vaping in our communities and help local students quit their addiction and prevent future generations from getting hooked.

Maybe they should cut out the middle men and just apply to Bloomberg…

Just a thought…

Read more on what’s really happening with teen vaping rates:

China’s E-cigarette Stock Prices Fall

As the Chinese Government looks to crack down on all things vape, stock prices in leading e-cigarette companies have taken a nose dive.

Insiders says investors are ‘jittery‘ after China based media reports said the government was concerned at the amount of youngsters accessing vape kits.

vape stocks fall

News agency Reuters said:

Shares in RLX Technology Inc, China’s leading e-cigarette brand, and smaller peers Smoore International Holdings Ltd and China Boton Group Co Ltd tumbled after state news agency Xinhua published a report saying that minors were gaining easy access to e-cigarettes.

Fu Jia, the director of the Tianjin Lawyers Association’s professional committee for the protection of minors told the Guardian:

E-cigarettes pose a safety hazard to minors, and further efforts should be made to crack down on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

Seems we’ve heard that line before many times…

It’s not just vaping either, the government is also looking to crack down on alcohol and computer games…

Crazy and worrying times indeed.

and finally…Vote Jonny For Vaper Of the Year!

He’s gonna kill me for this lol…

It’s the Vapouround Awards and site admin – Ecigclick founder and all round awesome dude our Jonny has been nominated for Vaper Of the Year!

vapouround awards vaper of the year

When I told him he was mystified and more than a little embarrassed lol – show’s what a genuinely nice guy he is.

He’s picked up a couple of big reviewer names asking their followers to vote for him [Vaping With Vic and Flatcap Vaper] so it would be rude of me not to lol.

Ecigclick was founded by Jonny a little over a decade ago.

Since then here’s steered it to become one of the largest vape review – vaping guides and vape news websites on the planet.

Trust me he puts up with a lot of my shite and always does it with a smile – he deserves an award for putting up with me lol.

So please do take the time to vote – if only to see him blush!

You’ll find the vote Jonny Williams from Ecigclick in the readers awards section under Vaper of the Year.

Thanks in advance – link below 😉



More vape news on Wednesday!

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