Saturday, March 15, 2025

US Vapers’ Reactions to Restrictions on Flavoured Vape Products 


The study titled, “Reactions to sales restrictions on flavored vape products or all vape products among young adults in the US,” analyzed data from a longitudinal study of 2,159 young adults aged between 18 and 34, in 6 metropolitan areas (Atlanta, Boston, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, San Diego, Seattle). They looked for levels of support for different e-cigarette sales restrictions among vapers and non-vapers.

The compiled data indicated that young vapers were mostly not in favour of vape restrictions. “24.2% of e-cigarette users (and 57.6% of non-users) supported (strongly/somewhat) sales restrictions on flavored vape products; 15.1% of e-cigarette users (45.1% of non-users) supported complete vape product sales restrictions. If restricted to tobacco flavors, 39.1% of e-cigarette users reported being likely (very/somewhat) to continue using e-cigarettes (30.5% not at all likely); 33.2% were likely to switch to cigarettes (45.5% not at all),” read the study Abstract.

The research team found that in the event that flavours were restricted, 39.1% of users reported being likely to continue using vapes, while 33.2% were likely to switch back to cigarettes. “If vape product sales were entirely restricted, e-cigarette users were equally likely to switch to cigarettes versus not (~40%). Those most likely to report positive impact of such policies being implemented were less frequent users, never-smokers, and those with greater e-cigarette-related health concerns.”

The impact of flavours and other product characteristics

Another recent study aimed to understand the impact of factors such the type of device, flavours, nicotine levels and prices on adult e-cigarette users’ choices among closed-system and open-system e-cigarettes, cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs).

Titled, “Impact of flavours, device, nicotine levels and price on adult e-cigarette users’ tobacco and nicotine product choices,” the current study consisted of choice experiments to assess the relative impact of several product characteristics to examine differences by smoking status and primarily used e-cigarette device and flavour.

The research team found that on average, participants preferred non-tobacco and non-menthol flavours, the majority preferred open-system over closed-system devices and a regular nicotine level over a lower nicotine level.

However, added the researchers, these preferences varied by smoking status, demographics, and what type of vape and flavour the users primarily used. And the preference for different product characteristics was larger than the difference among flavours or nicotine levels.

Netherlands’ Protests Highlighting The Importance of Vape Flavours

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