Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Things Looking Grim For Vapers In Ireland


Things are looking grim for vapers in Ireland…

I reported previously how Ireland is struggling to formalise a Tobacco Control policy that promotes vaping and harm reduction. And it appears to be getting worse.

On July 17th 2022 the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health put forward a report regarding the future steps to take in Tobacco Control.

Sadly it isn’t as positive as the Khan Review in the UK for vapers.

Is Vaping Under Threat In Ireland?

Unfortunately the committee is taking guidance from the WHO (World Health Organisation) who have published some absolute bull crap regarding vaping. For instance – taken from the report…

tobacco control ireland report harm

I know you are probably shaking your head reading these, like I am. All of this is disproven. But hey Science seems to not be important.

Other Irish authorities such as the Irish Cancer Society, Irish Heart Foundation and SCHEER (European Commissions Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks) are on the same wavelength as WHO.

So this kind of displays the tone this document has taken, it is pretty anti-vaping to be honest. There is the odd mention of the UK policy but an argument is pitched against it.

respect vapers flavours


  • The report recommends licencing the sale of e-cigarettes and for it to be reviewed one year after it comes into effect. Also it recommends the public are educated on the harms of vaping in a simple and effective manner.
  • It says that under 18s should be prevented from buying vaping products. Plus scientific evidence should be constantly reviewed in relation to vaping due to the speed of new technologies entering the market.
  • The funding for stop smoking services should be increased and support should be universally available to everyone free of charge.
  • Sale of tobacco products from temporary or moveable premises is to be prohibited and also this extends to e-cigarette sales.
  • Restrictions on sales of tobacco products will be introduced and these will also apply to vaping. Plus no sales at events or places intended for children.
  • If you are under 18 you will not be allowed to participate in the sale of tobacco or nicotine products (including vapes).
  • The sale of tobacco products from self service vending machines is prohibited – which will also be extended to cover nicotine vaping products.
  • Regulation of e-cigarette and e-liquid flavours to be prohibited to all but Tobacco flavours.
  • Measures to restrict the use of brightly coloured packaging and even further regulation to plain packaging should be implemented.
  • Prohibition of all forms of e-cigarette advertising and promotion, including Billboards, Online, social media and influencer marketing.
  • A future review into increasing the legal age to purchase tobacco and nicotine products with the aim of increasing from 18 to 21.

Obviously the above is just a summary. You can read the full report here in PDF format – Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine inhaling products) Bill 2019.


As you can imagine this strict stance has created a bit of a backlash…

Let me know if these measures will impact you in the comments below and also contact your TD to let them know what you think. A guide to help you do this is here on the Respect Vapers ie website.

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