Friday, October 18, 2024

Research: e-cigarettes do not increase the risk of infection or serious illness, but rather the lung damage caused by cigarette residues


On April 9, according to Yahoo Finance,Canada’s electronic cigaretteĀ  association was disturbed by many false reports that said electronic cigarettes were related to the vulnerability and complications of the new coronavirus (covid-19). In fact, false information, misleading reports and personal prejudice are not new to the electronic cigarette industry. In such an unprecedented period, it is totally unacceptable for anyone to make such groundless remarks, because it will only aggravate the fear and anxiety in the already difficult period in Canadian history. It is not surprising that even during the outbreak, some individuals and media choose to deny and ignore the facts, but tend to personal prejudice and further denigrate e-cigarettes.

The reason why e-cigarette users are more likely to be infected with covid-19 is that lung injury or irritation makes people more likely to have more serious symptoms. Although some e-cigarette users do have lung irritant diseases, it is important to remember that this is because most e-cigarette users used to be smokers. Smoking causes incredible lung damage, and recovery is not instantaneous. Clinical studies have shown that despite the use of aerosol smoking as a tool to reduce injury, the lungs of improved smokers are still recovering. Therefore, the clear conclusion is that e-cigarette itself does not make people further suffer from the risk of serious symptoms of covid-19, but the residual lung damage caused by smoking.

Professor Stanton Glantz played a leading role in the misinformation campaign that linked covid-19 to vaping. Mr. grantz has long been biased against the electronic cigarette industry. This is not the first time Mr. Glanz has shown a clear bias through the spread of false information. In fact, the Journal of the American Heart Association was forced to withdraw a paper he claimed that fogging causes heart disease, based on a study in which grant had been involved that proved to be wrong. In addition, at a meeting in Ottawa, Mr. Grant said his research showed that for every adult who quit smoking with e-cigarettes, 80 children started to smoke. These are the types of statements that need to be handled with facts, not personal biases or agendas. According to the number of adult smokers who use e-cigarettes to quit smoking in Canada, his statement will show that there are about 13 million young Canadian smokers, compared with more than 4 million children aged 10-19 in Canada.

Although Mr. Glantz and others suggested that the connection between vaping and covid-19 had been accepted and disseminated by various media, Mr. Glantz himself also said: “there is not enough research or evidence to support the connection with covid-19”. Unfortunately, media reports rarely admit that there is no evidence to support the link.

“The scientific community has been of the view that there is currently no evidence to support the link between e-cigarettes and covid-19. Mr. grantz believes that atomization may now be related to the disease of covid-19 is totally irresponsible and puts public health at great risk, “said Darryl tempest, executive director of Canada.

“The e-cigarette industry stands with all Canadians to ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to protect public health, while striving to provide harm reduction products to 1.1 million users in Canada.”

Research shows that only 3-10% of smokers can smoke successfully without using AIDS. The British Medical Journal concluded that atomization has proven to be twice as effective as any other way of quitting smoking. It’s absurd to think that electronic cigarette users and smokers should quit smoking immediately to protect themselves from the virus; that’s not the principle of addiction at all.

Statistics have consistently shown that the success rate of individuals trying to quit smoking is extremely low, especially before the introduction of nicotine e-cigarettes. In an incredible period of stress, it is extremely difficult for individuals to successfully quit smoking or stay away from combustible tobacco without nicotine e-cigarettes.

Both the health ministry and the Royal College of physicians in Canada say that smokers who switch to e-cigarettes will have an immediate improvement in their health and a significantly lower risk of lung disease in the future compared with those who continue to smoke. The combination of electronic cigarette and covid-19 as a means to encourage users to stop electronic cigarette. Although it is dependent on nicotine, there is no basis for saying that electronic cigarette users will inevitably be pushed back to combustible tobacco.

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