Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Promote Vaping Is Safer Message Says RCP


One of the most respected medical organizations in the world says the UK Government should promote the vaping is safer message in mass media campaigns to combat any rise in smoking rates.

The Royal College of Physicians doubles down on the science proving vaping is 95% + safer than smoking and slaps down the continued anti-vaping media scare stories.

Indeed it wants to turn the anti e-cigarette propaganda on its head and use the media to promote vaping as the way to quit smoking for good.

The report: Smoking and health 2021- A coming of age for tobacco control? Is a real shot in the arm for the UK’s vaping industry, vapers and of course smokers.

It was of course a similar report from the RCP back in 1962 that alerted the world to the dangers of cancer from smoking lit cigarettes.

And, back in 2016, the same group of learned medical professionals, stated:

  • Vaping is not a gateway to smoking
  • E-Cigs do not normalize smoking
  • Vaping increases the likelihood of smokers quitting
  • Vaping is 95% safer than smoking

That landmark report was titled: Nicotine Without Smoke and I covered that and other medical opinions on vaping in the article: The Pro Vaping Evidence is Growing – What Health Bodies Say About E Cigs.

BTW: the new RCP report recommends a drop of 5% in VAT for ALL vape gear – gotta love that idea!

Promote Vaping Is Safer Message – Mass Media Campaigns

The RCP report also calls for e-cigarettes to be made part of ALL stop smoking clinics.

As it stands now it’s down to individual areas to decide if vape kits form part of its policy.

cruk pro ecigs

The RCP states that:

E-cigarettes are included in standard protocols to treat tobacco dependency.

Given the science points to nicotine replacement therapies not up to scratch in quit smoking attempts – this is great news and should be implemented across the board.

When it comes to the continued anti-vaping message from the media, the RCP say:

Mass media campaigns support the use of electronic cigarettes as a quitting aid or substitute for smoking, and redress false perceptions about the safety of e-cigarettes compared with cigarettes.

In other words, stop with the scare mongering you bloody imbeciles and show vaping in a more positive healthier light!

Love it!

Make Smoking Obsolete!

The RCP says UK Governments has ignored its recommendations in the past and adds had they have implemented, smoking would now be completely eradicated on these shores.

Indeed it fears the UK Government’s target of just 5% of the population still smoking in 2030 will be missed and under the current regulations it may not be until 2050 the figure is reached.

smoking saves lives smokers urged to switch

Andrew Goddard, President of the Royal College of Physicians, said:

Too many UK generations have been blighted by addiction to tobacco.

To ensure that those born today live their lives tobacco-free, we must take the necessary steps to make smoking obsolete.

In a historic time of medicine showing it can solve the health crises that come its way, this is our opportunity to make smoking and tobacco addiction history.

Promote Vaping Is Safer – Advocacy Groups Welcome the Report

As you can imagine, advocacy groups and the wider vaping community and industry have welcomed the RCP report.

The UK Vaping Industry Association [UKVIA] director John Dunne said:

The UK is seen as a world leader in vaping.

Therefore, I hope the Government takes note of the key recommendations in this @RCPLondon report to build on this success.


Gillian Golden, the CEO of the Independent British Vape Trade Association [IBVTA] said:

This new landmark RCP report correctly identifies that tobacco may still beat COVID-19 as the predominant cause of death and disease during the beginning of the 2020s.

We welcome the Royal College of Physicians’ placement of vaping as such a pivotal tool in the fight against the harms of smoking, and the urgent call to correct misperceptions about the relative harms.

The UK is a world leader in vaping and if our government heeds the RCP’s calls to action, we have the potential to go even further.

As the UK Government finalizes the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations (TRPR) – the UK’s new TPD rules in simple terms, it’s reports from such a respected medical body as this, are even more important….some might say crucial given the anti-vape propaganda from some quarters…

Let’s hope they bloody well listen…

Which leads me nicely to adding…

Is the World Health Organization and the rest of the world watching 😉View the source

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