Saturday, March 15, 2025

NO Covid19 Vaping Link + More Vape News


NO Covid19 Vaping Link

The largest study of its kind proves categorically there is NO link between vaping and COVID19.

If anything, the science shows the risk of contracting the disease is lessened for both vapers and smokers.

NO Covid19 Vaping Link

The new Mayo Clinic study chimes perfectly with reports late last year that nicotine had a positive impact on the virus.

The team looked at the medical records of almost 70,000 patients and now say they need to see if e-cigarette use could ‘moderate COVID-19 outcomes‘.

Wow…let’s say that again…there’s NO Covid19 vaping link…

The team says:

Patients who used only e-cigarettes were not more likely to have a Covid-19 diagnosis, whereas those who used only cigarettes had a decreased risk.

…Although e-cigarettes have the well-documented potential for harm, and the Covid-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to reduce e-cigarette use, our study found that such use does not appear to increase susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection among patients seeking medical care.

This result suggests the hypothesis that any effects of conventional cigarette smoking on susceptibility are not mediated by nicotine.

Double wow lol.

Checkout the full NO Covid19 Vaping Link study: Electronic Cigarette Use Is Not Associated with COVID-19 Diagnosis

Vaping Saves UK Lives

An excellent article on how the UK is leading the way on saving smokers lives by promoting vaping.

It’s written by Martin Cullip, chair of the New Nicotine Alliance, and links to one of my articles reporting on UK hospitals allowing vape shops on their grounds.

martin cullip chair nna
Chair of the New Nicotine Alliance – Martin Cullip

Check that one out: The opening of vape shops inside NHS hospitals is “progressive and bold”

Martin’s superb article timelines how the UK Government first embraced e-cigarettes as a stop smoking tool and how it should proceed in the growing face of anti-vaping groups such as the WHO.

In a call to action Martin writes:

The UK just needs to follow past success, pursuing a light-but-sensible regulatory regime and a positive-information environment for all reduced-risk nicotine products, in order to drive down cigarette sales further.

We’ve done it before, and it worked.

Indeed we have…

Please do take the time to read the article: How the UK Is Allowing Vapes to Save Hundreds of Thousands of Lives

Find out more about the work of the New Nicotine Alliance – your input is needed now more than ever.

E-cigarettes Feature In the Never Quit Quitting Campaign

Yet another UK based stop smoking campaign has been launched and this one also heavily features e-cigarettes.

Never Quit Quitting is based in Manchester UK and is the latest update to the long standing Making Smoking History drive.

It’s being run by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, and will feature TV, radio and newspaper ads, and include personal quit smoking stories.

Chief officer Sarah Price said:

Across Greater Manchester record numbers of people are quitting smoking successfully.

While this is fantastic news, we want to empower and support even more people to join them.

We’re committed to making smoking history in Greater Manchester and have launched our brand new ‘Never Quit Quitting’ campaign to help us achieve our ambitious goal.

Great to see and this team certainly recognizes the value of e-cigarettes and blows away a few of those silly vaping myths in the process.

Here’s the team answering the question is vaping to quit smoking cheating?

No! If you switch to vaping and no longer smoke tobacco then you have quit smoking – congratulations!

Over time, you may want to reduce the nicotine in your e-cigarette.


Find out more: Make Smoking Hisotry

Stoptober – 10th Anniversary Webinar

Stoptober celebrates it’s 10th birthday this year and has already helped over 2 million UK smokers quit or make the switch to vaping.

This year the NHS backed campaign is specifically targeting the 25 to 55 age group particularly those from lower socio-economic groups.

stoptober 2021

It says:

Messaging will focus on promoting the benefits of quitting and signpost to the range of stop smoking support tools available on the Better Health website, including an enhanced version of the Stoptober app which features new functionality.

The campaign will run on TV, radio, newspapers, video sites and of course social media.

Before the October launch, the Stoptober team will be holding a webinar at 11am – 12pm on Tuesday 7th September.

To book your place follow the link: Stoptober Webinar.

Canada’s Teen Vaping Figures Tumble

As teen vaping rates continue to fall in Canada new laws will probably mean more kids and adults returning to smoking.

Canada has been on a ban flavours mission creep for what seems an age, but new legislation will come into force next year.

canada flavour ban looms

In a nutshell all flavours will be banned apart from tobacco – mint and menthol, there will also be a cap on nicotine levels to 20mg.

Health Canada admits this will lead to an increase in the country’s smokers, but the government appears to be ignoring the calls to stop the bans.

The Canadian Vaping Association says if alcohol was treated the exact same way, the legislation around that would require ‘severe restrictions‘.

That’s a great point especially given vaping is 95% safer than smoking and accounts for zero deaths compared to tobacco and alcohol.

The number of teens that vape in the country has dropped from 2019 and now is around 4.7% – that’s kids that have tried vaping as well as those that vape regularly [once or twice per week].

Darryl Tempest, Executive Director of the CVA says despite the fall the real time figures are much smaller adding:

Youth daily vaping and addiction rates are actually quite low and expected by tobacco control experts to continue to decline.

Generally, youth vaping rates are discussed using data on the amount of youth that have tried vaping over the past 30 days.

This is a poor metric to base regulation on because it represents experimentation and not habitual use.

Young people that try vaping once at a party are included in this figure.

These surveys are also misleading because they include age of majority respondents.

If these respondents were excluded from the survey, daily vaping among minors is around 2%.

In a quite shocking set of statistics, CVA points out that since the date of the next elections has been called close to 300 smokers have died.

Pause for thought…but still they want to ban life saving vape products…

Let’s hope Health Canada listens and does the right thing…sadly one doubts it.

UK Vape Firm Gets the Asda Edge!

UK supermarket chain Asda has announced it will begin stocking the EDGE vape products and juice.

It’s a massive coup for the Stockport based UK vape brand and will see it’s devices and e-liquids on sale in 615 stores.

edge vaping asda

Sales director Chris Carr said:

We are thrilled to have found such common ground with ASDA in our joint aspiration to provide our customers with reliable easy-access to only the finest quality, affordable vaping products.

Not only will this partnership help us to understand and connect with our customers in a more meaningful way, but furthers our mission to help people quit smoking by making the vaping experience more accessible to all.

All of our e-liquids are produced right here in the UK at our newly redeveloped ISO-accredited production facility.

We use only the highest quality ingredients available, and we pride ourselves on providing exceptional quality at a fantastic price.

Great news indeed and I have to say whilst I am aware of the company, I’ve never tried any of its products.

One thing is for sure, they certainly now have the edge on their competitors 😉


Sadly no vape news this Sunday as I’m taking a few days off to celebrate my 60th…yeah I know…I’m a decrepit old bugger ha!

So there will be more vaping news next Wednesday… multiple hangovers allowing lol


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