Saturday, March 15, 2025

Hong Kong failed to ban vape in 2019


Significant success in the vape industry! Hong Kong has failed to ban vape in 2019. Vape shops in Hong Kong and Hong Kong vapers are finally saved.

The following news titles are misleading people which makes people thought the vapes are banned in Hong Kong:

War on e-cigarettes: Hong Kong intends to jail vaping offenders. But will it make people quit?

Above title says Hong Kong intends to jail the vaping offenders. However, the news in CNN is about the draft law by Chief Executive Carrie Lam that the Hong Kong government announced plans to push ahead with a controversial blanket ban on all e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn products. And this law hasn’t passed by the authorities.


Hong Kong pushes ahead with blanket ban on e-cigarettes, with maximum penalty of six months in jail and HK$50,000 fine

Above title expresses Hong Kong pushes ahead the overall ban on vapes, however, the legislative council failed in banning the vape. It’s only a “proposed ban” rejected by the legislative council according to the South Morning Post.


Hong Kong is Set to Ban Vapes Completely

Above title denotes that Hong Kong is about to ban vapes. However, it failed when it’s just an idea according to Vaping360,”Cigarettes and other combustible products will remain legal to buy and sell.

Vaping in HK – Hong Kong Forum – TripAdvisor

And according to TripAdvisor true vape user in Hong Kong, it’s OK to use vape privately. “I’m in Hongkong international airport right now. And it is legal to vape in the smoking lounge. I am doing so right now as I am typing. As for vaping outside, a dude sitting next to me said no you cannot electronic cigarettes outside.” “You can smoke IQOS, but they don’t sell the heet sticks in hk. you can bring your own but customs limited to 19 sticks.”


Vape is not banned in Hong Kong in 2019.



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Hong Kong failed to ban vape in 2019. Significant success in the vape industry. Vape free in Hong Kong.Hong Kong failed to ban vape in 2019
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