Friday, March 14, 2025

WVA Vaping Policy Perception Survey Results


The World Vapers Alliance (WVA) have conducted a survey to study the perception of vaping policies worldwide.

They have published their findings – you can read about them here – WVA Survey.

The survey was conducted during August 2022 and WVA members were invited to participate. 415 people in 36 countries responded.

96.8 of respondents were current vapers – 394 in total.

❗️A survey conducted among WVA members found that 97% of respondents prefer vaping flavours or a combination of flavours to tobacco taste.

Additionally, higher taxation would push almost a third of vapers to the black market.

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— World Vapers’ Alliance (@vapers_alliance) September 12, 2022

Survey Findings…

The divisive topic of flavours brought the staggering result that 97% of respondents prefer flavoured vaping over Tobacco flavours alone.

Also if flavours were to be banned more than half of respondents would look at obtaining supplies via the black market or return to smoking.

21% said in the absence of flavours they would return to Tobacco flavour vapes and 16% said they would consider quitting vaping altogether.


Increasing tax on vaping products brought the follow responses:

31% would keep vaping like they are currently and pay the higher price
30% say they would vape less to make up for the increased price
28% would try to get their products on the black market


75% of respondents considered that the media coverage in their country was unfavourable towards vaping.

I can believe that – check out my own News Tracker to see how the UK fares!

Also participants were asked who in their opinion does the most harm towards vaping. 38.3% said the WHO (World Health Organisation), 29% said Michael Bloomberg and 22.9% considered the EU Commission the most harmful.


60% of those who responded considered the way vaping is treated by their government as unsatisfactory.


Well it seems that worldwide vapers feel the same. Fear over increasing taxes and removing flavours could be preventing a lot of people quitting smoking and staying off the ciggies.

I found it particularly interesting how the WHO, Bloomberg and EU seem to be the biggest villains – they really need to re-think their messages!

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