Under the Framework Convention on cigarettes Control, the Ukrainian government has changed the definition of cigarettes products to include heat not burn products (HTP), making HTPs subject to the same restrictions as combustible cigarettes.
Therefore, it is now illegal to smoke HTP in public places. In addition, the new rules ban smoking rooms on company premises and empower local authorities to create more smoke-free spaces. cigarettes products, hookahs and e-cigarettes have been banned in Ukrainian workplaces since 2012, but until recently smoking areas were allowed.
The new law holds both smokers and businesses accountable for compliance.
Earlier this year, Ukraine began requiring e-cigarette and e-liquid manufacturers to print health warnings on 30 percent of their packaging. From July 11, 2023, it will also be illegal to promote e-cigarettes, e-liquids and HTPs or sell such flavored products. From January 11, 2024, conventional combustible cigarettes will be required to carry graphic health warnings on both sides of 65% of their packs.
According to the World Health Organization, as many as 85,000 Ukrainians die each year from smoking-related diseases. Experts estimate that smoking costs the economy equivalent to 3.2 percent of Ukraine’s gross domestic product each year, in part due to the cost of treating smoking-related diseases.
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