Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ireland Needs To Embrace Tobacco Harm Reduction!


I found this article on the Vaping Post website – Ireland: Continued dismissal of THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction) is maintaining high Smoking rates.

Ireland with flag

A recent survey has been published by the Ireland Department of Health – Healthy Ireland Survey 2021 and sadly smoking rates have increased from 17% to 18% over the past 2 years.

healthy ireland smoking results

Diane Caruana writing for the Vaping Post points out the low vaping rates in under 25’s and how this may be impacting the rise of smokers.

healthy ireland 2021 vaping
Healthy Ireland 2021 survey results on vaping

The National spokesman for the VBI (Vape Business Ireland) – Eoin O’Boyle remarks how this data contrasts with the figures from the UK where THR has been fully embraced.

“this increase in smoking rates could be the result of the continued dismissal of proven harm reduction options such as vaping.”

“Today’s results represent a significant blow to the Government’s ambition of a tobacco free society by 2025. The likely failure to meet this target can be partially attributed to continued dismissal of proven harm reduction options like vaping by our public health bodies. This is in direct contrast to the UK where smoking rates have been in long run decline, a trend supported by a pragmatic approach of adopting and promoting vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoked tobacco.”

“While it’s encouraging to see 44% of smokers attempt to quit last year, only one in four quit attempts were successful. This must call into question the effectiveness of supports and the information, or lack of, on all options available to those trying to move away from smoking. If more extensive public information on all proven harm reduction options including vaping was provided by our health bodies, it would go long way to help increase the number successful quit attempts achieved”

I reported in March how there looked to be a fight ahead for Irish vapers as there was talk of changing the legal age to buy tobacco products (including vapes) plus advertising restrictions in the pipeline.

Also Ireland is still part of the EU – so any rules made regarding vaping from the EU – (including the proposed ban on flavoured Heat Not Burn products) will be in place too.

ireland smoking rates - 2021
Ireland Smoking Rates – 2021

I think if the Irish Government could follow the UK in promoting vapes as a form of smoking cessation their goal of a Tobacco Free Ireland in 2025 might be achievable!

It certainly isn’t with the measures they are taking right now!

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