Saturday, March 1, 2025

Stop the War On Vaping Plus More Vape News| Ecigclick


stop the war on vaping vape news

WHO’s Taking On the WHO’s Vaping Lies?

A leading expert in tobacco harm reduction says it’s time to stop the war on vaping.

Clifford Douglas truly is an expert in the field with an impressive resume’ that includes being a former Vice President of Tobacco Control at the American Cancer Society.

stop the war on vaping

The ACS is firmly against all things vape, and on its website states e-cigarettes should NOT be used to quit smoking….yeah I know WTF!

So for Mr Douglas to speak out is a big deal indeed.

He told the media:

I think the national tobacco control community in the U.S., my community, is now letting down tens of millions of adult smokers, their families and friends, healthcare providers, and government decision-makers.

I refer to my community’s approach to dealing with electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes).

We are now neck-deep in intractable internecine warfare between the mainstream tobacco control community, whose primary focus is on protecting youth from the dangers of vaping, and the tobacco harm reduction (THR) community, some of whose scientists are also committed participants in mainstream tobacco control efforts.

The THR community emphasizes the potential benefits of vaping for adult smokers who cannot or will not quit smoking otherwise.

It seems that ne’er the twain shall meet.

Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Whilst ‘both sides’ of the vaping argument continue to bicker in public, billions of lives are being lost and at risk.

Not sure how or even if the two warring factions will ever meet in the no mans land of tobacco harm control, but we can all hope.

Mr Douglas’ comments have been welcomed by the Canadian Vaping Association and Executive Director Darryl Tempest says it’s not just an American issue either adding:

The Canadian Vaping Association commends Douglas for trying to bridge the gap between tobacco control and vape advocates.

In the end, we all have the same goal of a tobacco free society.

The past practices of tobacco companies have caused distrust of the vape industry with regulators and the public.

It is important to remember that this industry was created by smokers, for smokers.

We don’t want youth vaping and have proposed many reasonable solutions.

There are ways to prevent youth use that won’t inflict harm on adult smokers.


Black Note PMTA Accepted

Premium US based e-liquid company Black Note has gone to the next stage of the PMTA process.

The FDA ran Pre-Market Tobacco Product Application is needed for any vape product to legally allowed on sale in America.

best tobacco e liquid Black Note

I’ve written in depth on the matter, but in a nutshell it’s a mind boggling expensive process that involves submitting tons of scientific data.

Checkout my articles for more info:

A spokesman for the company said:

The application now moves to substantive review for a full scientific review before moving onto the next step of the PMTA process.

Of course, the PMTA process is far from over for Black Note, but this achievement is a significant milestone for us.

Our submission of the Black Note products is one of many examples that we’re committed to following regulatory compliance, ensuring the highest quality in our products, and going beyond industry standards, innovating the future of vaping.

I bloody love the authentic tobacco flavoured Black Note e-liquid, let’s hope the final PMTA approval is given.

Asia’s Vape Advocates Taking On the WHO

A panel of vaping experts will be tackling the World Health Organization’s continued lies and myths cantered around e-cigarettes.

The event is hosted by the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Advocates [CAPHRA] and part of the Advocates Voice series of webinars.

the advocates voice

Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA, said:

WHO’s negative and obstructive approach towards safer nicotine vaping products continues to impact smoking cessation rates, costing lives globally. WHO continues to treat smoking and nicotine vaping as the same and ignores all the science.

Some media now also suggest that vape flavours might be dangerous to inhale.

Then we have other ridiculous claims such as the one by SPCA New Zealand that nicotine vaping is harmful to pets!

TAV will deal to all these, plus any other baseless beat ups, in its typically full and frank format.

We will also talk about the risk proportionate bill that’s now in the Senate in the Philippines.

It may open the floodgates for Southeast Asia public health policy to adopt harm reduction as a goal.

The more advocacy groups taking on the WHO the better.

The stream begins at: 12.00pm Hong Kong Time or 4.00pm New Zealand today.

Hopefully the CAPHRA Facebook page will have the full video soon.

First Carbon Neutral Vape Brand

VUSE has become the world’s first ever carbon neutral vape brand.

Owned by British American Tobacco [BAT] the company says it shows how it’s global climate impact strategies are working.

vuse carbon neutral

They include:

  • A global device and pod collection scheme – through Drop the Pod campaign, approximately 200k pods were collected since the start of the pilot in 2020
  • Cutting single use plastics from packaging – Cut the Wrap has saved 100 tonnes of plastic or the equivalent of four million plastic bottles in 2020
  • Transitioning from air to sea freight – through changes to the distribution chain, Vuse aims to have 80% of international shipments transported by sea by the end of 2022

The VUSE brand saw a 30.9% reduction in emissions and is on target of cutting its total carbon footprint by 90% by 2050.

I’m not going to get drawn into my thoughts on ‘global warming’ and the like…

However, I do have a major issue with plastics in our oceans and have banged on many times about the sheer amount of plastic being used in vaping – 10ml bottles *coughs* etc…

Here’s my article from a few years ago: 10Ml Plastic E-Liquid Bottles Are Choking The Planet – Let’s Stop It!

Anyway, any cut in pollution has to be a good thing…

Kingsley Wheaton, Chief Marketing Officer at BAT, said:

Vuse becoming the first global carbon neutral vaping brand is a significant milestone.

It is testimony to BAT’s deep and longstanding commitment to being a responsible business and reducing our impact on the environment.

We are proud that Vuse has set the ESG standard within the vaping category by becoming the first global brand to secure carbon neutral status.

As a brand leader, this is the right thing to do and further demonstrates how we are building a portfolio of global brands with purpose for the future as part of our vision for A Better Tomorrow.™

Maybe now they can begin work on improving their flavours…ouch get me being all bitchy 😉

and finally…”Some of you may die…”

WHO made this??!!


No laughing matter I know…but this doctored [unlike him] video brought a rueful smile to my face…

Anti-vaping WHO director general Father Ted telling it how it is:

I say doctored video, it’s probably an insight into how he/they really think…


More vaping news on Wednesday!

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