Sunday, March 16, 2025

Kiwi Vapers Encouraged to Attend Online Conference Next Saturday


Initiated by the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA), the webinar will be held next Saturday, 26th September, and will be running from 8.00pm until midnight NZT via The event is open to everyone and the speakers will include public health policy experts, scientists and other professionals, who will bring their own knowledge and perspectives to the discussion. All panelists and key participants are listed on the Voices4Vape website.

The participation of vapers is key, given that the public’s input was ignored when New Zealand’s Parliament passed the infamous Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill.

CAPHRA director and Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy (AVCA) co-director Nancy Loucas, pointed out that Voices4Vape aims to shed light on the benefits of using e-cigarettes and other safer alternatives (such as snus) as an alternative to combustible cigarettes, and urge regulators to give consumers a voice in the policy-making process.

“Over 10 years of scientific research shows that smoke-free nicotine products are at least 95% less harmful than combustible tobacco and have helped millions quit deadly smoking. As consumer groups, we now want to do all we can to influence public policy and reduce the enormous health risks and costs caused by cigarettes,” said Loucas.

First consumer focused THR event in Asia

She added that this will be the first significant consumer-focused event on tobacco harm reduction in the Asia-Pacific region and members of the public are encouraged to ask questions via a chatbox. Loucas believes vapers’ participation and input are key given that the public’s input was recently ignored when Parliament passed the infamous Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill.

“Let your voice be heard and help create a smoke-free world. Your personal story and your support will be part of a collective voice in the Asia Pacific and around the world in demanding access to tobacco harm reduction options,” said Loucas.

New Zealand’s Vaping Bill is Passed  

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