Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Khan Review, Not A Bot, Katy Perry’s New Vaping Buddy & More Vape News!


Win For Turning Point vape news

The Khan Review – Results

As I have mentioned before Javed Khan OBE is conducting the Independent Review into Tobacco Control for the government. This is part of the “Levelling Up” strategy.

levelling up

The results were due to be presented at the end of May but I heard it had been delayed.

Anyway a new date was set for 9th June 2022 at 1-2:30pm.

Javed has been very Pro-vaping and sees it as a way to achieve a Smoke free 2030 in the UK. So everything crossed this is positive news for us all.

I know he was keen on promoting vaping more to stop smoking but obviously had to balance that with regulation to keep products safe and out of the hands of underage users. So I hope there is a good compromise here.

Also another example of the Government being “Pro-Vaping” is this little snippet from the Secretary of State George Eustice during an Environment and Climate change hearing…

I have covered the results of the review in another article and *Spoiler* so far it is very positive towards vaping!

Vaping Saved My Life…

An article in the Pretoria News (South Africa) discusses “Vaping Saved My Life” – a consumer advocacy group.


The group conducted a social experiment with 8 participants who were to quit smoking by vaping over a 90 day period.

They were allowed to choose from equipment and e-liquid flavours and were to document their journey on Twitter.

By the 6th week almost all participants had totally quit cigarettes.

By week 10 all of the participants had stopped smoking and they continued to stay off the tobacco until the full 90 day period ended.

Not A Bot!!!

If you are a vape advocate fighting for those in authority to listen to reason and facts you can sometimes get fobbed off as being a “Bot”. I.e. you are a fake account just to react to anti-vaping comments.

The slur started when a 2021 academic paper “Flavors Save Lives: An Analysis of Twitter Posts Opposing Flavored E-cigarette Bans“. In this paper apparently there were patterns of Tweets about vaping in 2019-2020.

From this it was mentioned that the State of California and the US Congress…

“have investigated the role that social bots play in driving online discussions about e-cigarettes.”

Obviously there was a backlash with people tweeting “#NotABot” when discussing vaping online!

This article on the Tobacco Reporter website covers how annoying this is for people who just want to make sure that misinformation gets shut down quickly.

gg casaa

It discusses how this impacted some of the consumer led vape advocates out there such as the group CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association) and Grimm Green.

Innokin & Dinner Lady Helping Homeless Charity

This is basically a ping back to an article we published on June 2nd 2022.

But I feel the message is so positive I wanted to comment on it here.


Basically Innokin and Dinner Lady e-liquid have joined forces with a homeless charity – Simon Community Scotland.

jt dinner lady

The result of this collaboration will be to provide vaping set ups for the community’s clients.

What a beautiful thing to do – also Innokin are open to more projects like this and say to contact Innokin at [email protected]

George Xia, Innokin Co-founder said:

“Innokin’s mission has always been to help people improve their lives and offer less harmful alternatives to adult smokers. Many smokers in the UK don’t know how or can’t afford to switch from smoking to vaping.
Partnering with Vape Dinner Lady and a charity like Simon Scotland gives us the opportunity to make a real positive impact.”

Katy Perry’s New Buddy – Ratso The Vaping Rat?!?!

The “singer” Katy Perry is a huge fan of vaping and uses a vape regularly.


Anyway she has a Residency in Las Vegas of her show called “Play“.

From what I can see it is a bit bonkers and she has just added a Rat character called “Ratso” who carryies a huge vape yay! You can see him in action in the video from the Tweet below.

The character is an oversized Animatronic and is voiced by Harvey Fierstein who is a Playwright, Actor and Author.

You can read more here – Broadway World – Harvey Fierstein Voices new Character in Katy Perry’s PLAY Last Vegas Residency.

Let’s Talk E-cigarettes

The popular podcast “Let’s Talk E-cigarettes” is funded by Cancer Research UK and presented by University of Oxford researches.

oxford podcasts

The researchers scour for new vaping studies each month and the May 2022 edition is now available.

This episode includes Neal Benowitz who is Emeritus Professor at the University of California and practices Medicine, Cardiology, Clinical Pharmacology and has an interest in Tobacco and the harms it causes.

Geek Bar Survey

The UKVIA (UK Vaping Industry Association) tweeted this…

If you are a Disposable Vape user you can give them feedback on this link – Geek Bar Survey.

BAT Vuse Survey

The tobacco company BAT (British American Tobacco) who also create the Vuse (previously Vype) e-cigarettes has conducted a study into their product.

vype vuse

The purpose of the study was to asses and provide insights into Vuse’s role in the vaping industry.

Anyway the results are still being analysed and hopefully will be published later this year.

You can read more about this on Journal Now – Top-selling e-cigarette Vuse subject of public-health study in UK.

Where Are The Vape Capitals Of The UK?

I found this interesting article on the Edge Vaping Blog titled – The UK Cities Biggest On Vaping.

uk union jack

The results were taken by using Google Data to reveal where the peaks of interest were in the UK.

Stoke On Trent has come out on top followed by Plymouth! No mention of my Shropshire though!

Interesting Science Stuff

I won’t pretend to understand all of this paper “A randomised, crossover, clinical study to asses nicotine pharmacokinetics” – it is very technical.

What the paper is studying is the nicotine absorption from a normal tobacco cigarette compared to a disposable vape – the BIDI stick with a whopping 59mg nicotine! In some places a Juul crops up too again with 59mg nicotine?

bidi v cigarette
Nicotine concentration in blood by device

Blood samples were taken from participants during monitored sessions to see if the levels of nicotine were similar from 2 different products.

The conclusion states…

“BIDI® Stick ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery System) delivered nicotine to users comparably to their UB (Usual Brand) combustible cigarette and higher
than JUUL ENDS, and also elicited similar subjective effects such as satisfaction and relief. Thus, the BIDI® Stick ENDS may be a satisfying alternative to cigarettes among current smokers and may support their transitioning away from
cigarette smoking. “

Well back to being a Vape Bot for me!


Have a wonderful Week!

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