Saturday, June 29, 2024


Ireland Raises Tobacco Sale Age to 21, Leading the EU in Public Health Policy

Ireland Takes a Bold Step in Tobacco Control Ireland's health minister, Stephen Donnelly, alongside the minister for public health, wellbeing, and the national drugs strategy,...

Harmful Chemicals Found in Vapes Confiscated from Schools, RTL Nieuws Reports

An investigation by RTL Nieuws has uncovered alarming levels of toxic metals, carcinogenic chemicals, and excessive nicotine in e-cigarettes, commonly used by teenagers. This...

Philip Morris Sparks Economic Buzz with New $30 Million Factory in Lviv Region

Amidst the industrial landscape of Ukraine's Lviv region, Philip Morris International (PMI) has ignited local enthusiasm by officially inaugurating its new $30 million tobacco...

Norwegian Convenience Store Chains to Phase Out Cigarette Sales by 2026

Two major convenience store chains in Norway, Narvesen and 7-Eleven, operated by Reitan Convenience Norway, have announced their decision to stop selling tobacco products...

Shifting Trends and Regulatory Challenges in Poland’s Heated-Tobacco Market

The tobacco industry in Poland is witnessing a dynamic shift, with heated-tobacco products emerging as a rapidly growing segment. Despite stable sales of traditional...

Sweden’s Smoke-Free Revolution: A Blueprint for Global Tobacco Harm Reduction

In a world where tobacco-related diseases continue to claim millions of lives annually, Sweden stands out as a beacon of hope and innovation. With...

Europe’s Challenge to Balance Vaping Trends and Youth Protection

A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed a concerning increase in alcohol and nicotine use among teenagers across Europe, Central...