Recently, a tobacco harm reduction expert and the chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa, Canada, pointed out at the 4th Asian Harm Reduction Forum that the Canadian government has adopted a tobacco harm reduction strategy to promote Canadian tobacco control progress. The expert believes that e-cigarettes may improve the public health environment.
The expert introduced that the Canadian government has adopted a tobacco harm reduction strategy to promote domestic tobacco control progress. The official website of the Canadian government cited a number of authoritative research reports detailing the smoking cessation and harm reduction potential of e-cigarettes, and clearly pointed out that switching to e-cigarettes for smokers will reduce exposure to harmful substances and improve overall health.
At the same time, the website also emphasized that there is conclusive evidence that e-cigarettes can greatly improve the success rate of smokers to quit smoking.
According to the “Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey” report, since the Canadian government adopted a tobacco harm reduction strategy and popularized e-cigarettes to the public, from 2019 to 2020, the smoking (rolling) rate of Canadians aged 20 to 30 dropped from 13.3% to 8%.
Statistics show that e-cigarettes are the most popular smoking cessation and harm reduction products in the UK. The British government is promoting the inclusion of e-cigarettes in medical insurance to ensure that smokers of different incomes and classes can use the products to quit smoking.
Similarly, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland have been working on promoting smokers to switch to harm reduction products in recent years. Among them, after Iceland allowed the sale of e-cigarette products, the smoking rate has dropped by about 40% in just three years.
