Somehow this great bit of news passed me by – but I have just seen the ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) briefing for Local Authorities on Youth Vaping. It is dated August 2022 – sorry I missed it!
Anyway the document is a guide for local authorities on the controversial issue of Youth Vaping. Also it includes a lot of mythbusting and factual information – which is very very welcome in this era of Vape Bashing…
You can read the full document here in here in PDF format on the ASH website.
The briefing has been informed by advice from vaping regulators, educationalists and academics from the University of Bristol, KCL and UCL.
Written by ASH, it has also been endorsed by the organisations whose logos are pictured ✅
— ASH (@AshOrgUK) August 23, 2022
Also visit this link for other resources including guidance for Schools and e-cigarette use amongst young people in 2022.
ASH Brief Contents
The document has 8 pages in total so I won’t recite the whole lot but there are some excellent points made about vaping.
A section is dedicated to statistics from the ASH Youth Vaping Survey 2022 and it covers numbers such as how many 11-18 year olds were vaping and the breakdown of these results by years and other sub groups.
It also has a section targeting Parents, Schools and Carers about current advice and facts. Education on harm reduction has a brief mention too…
There are also links to organisations where complaints can be made if regulations are being breached.
A whole section entitled “Addressing the myths about vaping” makes for wonderful reading.
The document also discusses current e-cigarette regulation and also provides links to resources as guidance. It also covers Trading Standards involvement and Marketing.
My Thoughts
At times ASH has come under criticism for their campaigns and policies but I do have to say in this incidence I am very pleased with their response and output on the subject.
It aims to try and calm some of the anti-vape hysteria with some facts whilst also providing information on what regulations are already in place.
For me it is a great step forward.
ASH UK @AshOrgUK publish their “Brief for Local Authorities on Youth Vaping”.
The brief is measured and evidence based.
Importantly, it delivers a risk proportionate overview.
No knee-jerkery, just sensible precaution & factual advice.
— INNCOorg (@INNCOorg) August 23, 2022
Excellent UK ASH brief report on #vaping in youth. Riddled with calm, common sense. Highly recommended @ColinMendelsohn @drjoesDIYhealth @VaperNt @LivePippas @legionvapes @vaper_the @ChaunceyGardner @INNCOorg @CASAAmedia @caphraorg
— Alex Wodak AM (@AlexWodak) August 26, 2022