Home Brands RELX RELX LAB – Discover the largest single investment project from Relx

RELX LAB – Discover the largest single investment project from Relx

RELX LAB – Discover the largest single investment project from Relx

RELX Lab Project:
Starts in 2019
Covering an area of 300 square meters
Total investment of 10 million yuan
Establishment according to CNAS standard
52 R&D equipment (38 imported instruments)

It has 12 laboratories, including sensory evaluation laboratory, chromatographic laboratory, physical laboratory, microbiological laboratory, physical and chemical laboratory, organic laboratory and so on.

Though it’s kind of small and young compared to Juul, it’s still worth praising as a serious vape researching pioneer.


That is to say, the RELX products like Relx Alpha including e liquids will be tested from the lab first, at the same time, some peripheral products will also have to go through some laboratory processes of testing.

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