So I (Shell) went to the Vaper Expo 2022 on the 28th May (Saturday)!
Thank you to all who spoke to me and made me feel very very welcome!
I came home with plenty of products and lots of info on new devices on the way!
Everyone was lovely to me but a few went above and beyond including Innokin, Choppa Vapes, Dr Vapes, Vaporesso, Crazycloudzzz / Freemax, Frunk, Twisted and OXVA.
Below are some of my main memories of the event!
Phil Busardo – Nicest Bloke Ever!
A visit to the Innokin stand made me virtually bump in to the legend Phil Busardo!
What an absolute gem of a fella, he told me about their busy schedule and I asked him when he has scheduled any sleep in and he said “Never”!
He was super happy, kind and I had the loveliest smiley selfies with him!

New Innokin / Aquios Products
I had the pleasure of Phil Busardo and Dimitris Agrafiotis modelling the new products from Innokin for me! Both of them were lovely!

New stuff coming soon includes Sceptre 2, Gozee pod / mod setup and new Zlide slide top fill top airflow tank!

I also brought home some of the new Aquios water based vapes which I will be reviewing.
New Freemax Gear / CrazyCloudzzz
My friend Adin from CrazyCloudzzz was in charge of the Freemax stand – they were promoting two new Freemax products the Maxpod 3 and the Marvos X.

Plus the new range of “Queen” e-liquids from CrazyCloudzzz – I had a tester of the new Bubblegum – which is a replacement for my favourite CrazySaltzzz Bubblegum and it tasted that good I am looking forward to the whole range!

Vaporesso New Stuff
I got a full tour of the Vaporesso stand (which was huge!) and even got to view the launch of 3 new products.
Thank you to Grace who showed me lovely Hospitality!
The PT60, PT80 and the new LUXE X were on the stand to have a play and vape with. I will be previewing these devices soon.

Also there will be special editions of the XROS range coming soon with new body designs!

The Voopoo stand was an interesting place – one of the features which caught my eye was the new Argus GT2 in a bubbling tube of water.
The chap I spoke to was an absolute gem and we had a great laugh!

I had a good look at the new Drag Q as well which had an interesting way of adjusting the output and airflow!

IVG had a huge stand and some gorgeous cars including a Ferrari, Rolls Royce and I can’t remember the other one, all with IVG branding.
You could have your photo taken in the cars and have a lovely IVG bar to puff away on around the Expo.
Vaping Cheese…
Visiting the GEE stand which was also shared with Elf Bar and Lost Mary I discovered a Gee vape called “Double Cheese”.
Of course I had way too much curiosity and had a vape. Let’s just say I am sure it is an acquired flavour – it definitely wasn’t for me. But I had a toot on some of the other flavours and brands and thoroughly enjoyed the other offerings.
I only want my cheese in edible form in future thanks!
Vaping Bogan
I saw The Vaping Bogan around the Expo several times but didn’t actually get to speak to him sadly. He also presented the Vaporesso launch and was pretty funny and laid back.
I did get a few photos of him!

The guys at the Frunk Stand really made me laugh – we will be reviewing some of their products in future. When I mentioned I wanted to take a photo the guy said “hang on” and ran off…
He then returned with a wig and sunglasses to look like their logo. What a dude – he really managed to pull that off!
Choppa Vapes
I had a lovely welcome at the Choppa Vapes stand by the boss man Abu who gave me the warmest cuddle I have had for a long time.
Their company was reaching out to everyone there to promote a “Brotherhood” of vapers. What a thoroughly nice gang and if their new e-liquids are as good as the ones I reviewed I am sure they will be very prominent in the vape industry.
Abu also introduced me to Sunny from Dr Vapes who is another 100% top geezer and we will hopefully be reviewing gear from both brands in the future!

More Happy Fun
The guys at Suicide Mods and Coils By Scott also were lovely and had a great laugh with them – thank you chaps for making me smile!

I had a chat at the Geekvape stand and a good look at their device range – the new B60 (Boost 2) is absolutely stunning in the flesh.
Also I was given some of the new GeekBar flavours which I will be reviewing soon.
Furry Person
I saw this furry person about – sadly I couldn’t get close enough to see who they were representing. It was boiling in there and I felt so sorry for them!
I had a lovely chat with John Dunne at the UKVIA stand – we mention him a lot in our news articles and he is a lovely man.

We shared some memories of our Neil Humber who he remembered fondly as Neil would usually be the one attending Expo and I went in his place.
The chaps at the Twisted vapes stand were another friendly bunch and I pretty much sampled their whole range.
I am a huge fan of retro sweet things and their e-liquids were right up my street.
The OXVA stand was mega busy but I got my mitts on the new Origin 2 and it looks amazing – I will be writing a preview for it soon.
Plus the lady on the stand has the best hair in the whole show – she was lovely.
Vaper Expo 2022 Main Stage
All day there was noise and things going on at the main stage. I have to be honest – I didn’t really participate as I wanted to make sure I got around as many people at the Expo as I could.

Thank You Vaper Expo 2022 Exhibitors!
Thank you to everyone who made me feel welcome – I actually felt quite spoilt with all the goodies and recognition. I do have some mental health issues and was very on edge so the welcoming people really set me at ease.
Plus I love how happy and up for a laugh a lot of the exhibitors were – made my day with lots of laughs.

I didn’t manage to get round and speak to every stand as I left about 3pm – I actually had blisters on my feet so sadly had to call it a day – sorry if I didn’t get to you!
A few stands I did go to seemed to have a few “dis-interested” people representing them – which was a shame as I would have liked to have engaged with them more.
Sorry if I didn’t mention you personally the whole day went past in a bit of a blur if I am honest – but all the photos I have taken will be in the gallery below!
Our Harley was there too and he has shared a “Walkaround” video of Expo 2022 if you want to watch it below.
I took hundreds of photos – I wanted to make sure I displayed the wide range of stands. Admittedly there were a LOT of disposable brands, but you also got a lot of the big hardware and liquid brands and vape advocates such as UKVIA and Vapouround.
From what I have seen of previous Expo’s this seemed to have a low turnout – and I expect the fact the show was full of disposables might have put people off?
I hope if you attended Vaper Expo 2022 you enjoyed it and if you didn’t you can catch up with my photos showing who was there!
Here are the photos – see if you can spot yourself – and just look at all the happy smiles and daft people!