We compare Yooz and RELX in several aspects including price, flavors, pods, vaping puffs, battery life, product quality, customer reviews, charging, availability, look, weight, portability, manufacturer, company background to find out which one is better. With real experience and hands-on and careful research, we drew a conclusion that Yooz is as good as RELX.
The models we are going to compare in the following article are the best selling ones of each brand, YOOZ STARTER KIT and RELX STARTER KIT, which includes pods
Price – YOOZ kit vs RELX kit
YOOZ: $29.99
RELX: $39.99
Observing this, RELX starter kit is more expensive than Yooz. The price of RELX is 1/4 higher than Yooz. Yooz and RELX are both from China, so the shipping fee is the same. However, please continue to read before drawing any conclusion. Because Yooz official retail price has not been published yet, the YOOZ product above is sold by a small shop in VAPE.HK.
Flavors – YOOZ vs RELX
YOOZ: 13 flavors
RELX: 13 flavors
The flavor quantity of the 2 brands is almost the same. YOOZ maintains a high repurchase rate compared to RELX for its flavor taste according to our internal data. Vaping experience is at the same level after our own tests on the 2 vapes.
Pods – YOOZ vs RELX
Yooz: $ 19.99/1 pack (4 pods), 2mL/pod, 5%/3% nicotine – shipping fee not included
RELX: $16.99/1 pack (3 pods), 2mL/pod,5%/3% nicotine – shipping fee not included
Therefore, Yooz pod is sold for 19.99/4=4.9975 dollar;(Price negotiable for Yooz wholesale)
RELX pod is sold for 16.99/4=4.24 dollars.
The price of the 2 pods is at the same level.
Both pods of the 2 brands are produced by the same factory. They both apply the same FEELM tech atomizing core and the appearance is also almost the same. Besides, the vaping experience is similar.
Puffs – YOOZ vs RELX
Yooz: 650 puffs
RELX: 650 puffs
Because the capacity of the pods is the same, so the puff numbers are the same.
Battery life – YOOZ vs RELX
Yooz: 350 mAh
RELX: 350mAh
Needless to talk about it any more.
As to weight, charging, appearance, manufacturer, those parameters of the two products are too similar, we choose to omit the left.
YOOZ vs RELX, these two products draw a tie. Both are good products at the same level.
It also proves that good product doesn’t mean good sales amount, YOOZ doesn’t have as much fund as RELX for marketing overseas market, so very few vaping folks know its name until now. Besides, YOOZ official only provides wholesale service until today for global market.
Where to Buy/ Vote time
Click here if you like YOOZ (for wholesale)
Click here if you like RELX;