Wednesday, March 12, 2025

WHO’s Dirty Tricks Game Vape News


WHOs Dirty Tricks vape news

Anti Vaping WHO and the Dirty Tricks Campaign

Vape advocates fear there’s an anti-vaping WHO’s dirty tricks game being played out behind the scenes.

The World Health Organization had shelved plans to tackle vaping at it’s next COP9 meeting, however many believe the WHO will be ramping up the negativity.

world harm organization

Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA), says the WHO has already been caught bad mouthing all things vape at at least one of its regional meetings held earlier this month.

The agenda of the WHO’s Western Pacific Region Organization shows discussions including: scientific updates on emerging tobacco and tobacco-like products, and nicotine products.

In other words, the WHO is setting out its anti-vaping stall prior to the COP9 meeting where pro-vaping advocates will be silenced.

Nancy said:

It’s now clear, however, that was a complete pretence aimed at minimizing a growing backlash against the WHO’s anti-vaping agenda.

Because such matters aren’t supposedly being actively discussed, outsiders like vape advocates, can’t make submissions.

That means a tonne of negativity cannot be appended to COP9’s final report for member countries to view.

Yet, the likes of anti-vaping papers will still be included as information items, which of course will conveniently endorse the WHO’s poisoned position.

Vaping Demonized By the WHO

The manipulation is well underway to ensure safer products such as nicotine vaping are well and truly demonized at COP9.

Just because it has been disguised as a deferral, don’t let the WHO tell you it’s not on the agenda this year.

They’re playing these silly games only because they’re increasingly running scared, knowing the world is waking up to the WHO’s anti-vape crusade driven by money not science.

Given over one billion people in the world still smoke deadly cigarettes, it’s outrageous the WHO continues to actively obstruct information and access to safer alternatives which could save millions more lives.


Seeing the WHO playing these silly and some might say childish games, tells you all you need to know about this greedy and ignorant organization.

UK vapers really need to mobilize to fight the WHO’s underhand tactics.

Find out how: UK Vape Ban Threat – URGENT Call To Action From Advocacy Group

So what are your thoughts on the anti-vaping WHO’s dirty tricks game ?

Please let me know in the comments below.

100 Vape Advocates Take On the WHO

Ahead of the COP9 meeting mentioned above, 100 tobacco harm control experts have signed a letter to the WHO calling for it to drop it’s war on vaping.

Led by prolific advocate Clive Bates, the letter offers seven key points and six recommendations the WHO must consider.

WHO's Dirty Tricks Slammed 100 vape advocates write to the who

The signatories are a ‘who’s who‘ [forgive the pun] in the world of tobacco harm control and includes: Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH – Peter Hajek, PhD – Colin Mendelsohn, MB BS – Caitlin Notley, PhD – Lion Shahab, PhD and Michael Siegel, MD, MPH to name but a few.

The letter lists the seven key points as:

  • Tobacco harm reduction presents significant public health opportunities
  • E-cigarettes are a driver of smoking cessation
  • Tobacco harm reduction can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Major regulatory assessments and experience support heated tobacco products
  • Policymakers must recognise unintended consequences of policy proposals
  • Place adolescent ENDS use in proper context.
  • There is public health support for harm reduction in tobacco control

All pretty straightforward and anyone with a modicum of common sense would have to agree – not the WHO it seems.


The recommendations include:

Insist that any WHO policy analysis makes a proper assessment of benefits to smokers or would-be smokers, including adolescents, as well as risks to users and non-users of these products.

Again, blindingly obvious, yet still the WHO continues with its anti-vaping stance.

Speaking to the excellent Filter Magazine, Clive said that many advocates are ‘voiceless‘ adding they:

…don’t have the megaphones that come with Bloomberg funding and have no way to attend the WHO meetings.

But they do want their views to be heard, and to lay down some facts and analysis that will help parties to the FCTC do the right thing for the right reasons.

Writing these letters allows knowledgeable individuals to have their say and contribute to the convention through direct communication with delegates from a distance.

As to if the WHO will give the letter even a cursory glance is anyone’s guess.

Read the full letter and all the recommendations:

One hundred specialists call for WHO to change its hostile stance on tobacco harm reduction – new letter to FCTC delegates published

UK Vape Brand EDGE Now In Sainsburys

More good news for the UK vape industry as the EDGE products are to be stocked in Sainsbury’s supermarket.

EDGE makes the GO pod kit and the PRO starter kit and also manufactures a popular e-liquid line.

WHO's Dirty Tricks Slammed edge vape in sainsburys

The brand is already sold in 600 Asda stores and will now be on the shelves in 1,600 Sainsbury’s supermarkets.

Chris Carr, sales director at EDGE, said:

We are ecstatic to have achieved recognition from retailers as influential as Sainsbury’s and ASDA.

It’s fantastic to have found such resonance between our own and the two companies’ ethos and commitment to only ever provide customers with the safest and most premium quality products.

These partnerships mark a really important step for us, one which will allow us to reach even more customers, helping us to connect with them and understand their needs in a far more meaningful way.

Not only will this help us to drive the next generation of our products, but it will also enable us to further our mission to help people give up smoking.

Our products are manufactured to the highest possible standards from our ISO-certified UK production facility, the largest of its kind in Europe. We only ever use the finest quality ingredients and components to ensure we are providing customers with the premium products they deserve.

Great news and good timing given we’re halfway through this years Stoptober campaign.

Let’s hope plenty of smokers drop a few EDGE products in their shopping trolleys!

More FREE Vape Kits For UK Smokers

Stoptober really seems to have lit up this year and here’s another chance for smokers to get their hands on a free vape kit and e-liquid.

Luton based Total Well-being has teamed up with Cloudies Vape Shop and are urging smokers desperate to quit to take part in the scheme.

free e-cigs for smokers luton

Luton Total tweeted:

Do you find it hard to let go of cigarettes, are the cravings too many, too often? E-cigarettes are 95% safer than tobacco-based products.
We, in partnership with @ShopCloudies, are offering free E-cigarettes + 4 weeks-worth of liquids – text STOPTOBER to 60066

Great to see.

New FDA Commissioner – Anti Vaping?

Sleepy Joe Biden has nominated Robert M. Califf as his candidate for the new FDA Commissioner.

Sadly for US vapers, Califf is about as anti-vaping as it gets, and he’s held that post before…


Back in 2019 he called on a complete ban of all flavours suggesting that would curb so called vape related lung disease…

Obviously not the brightest knife in the drawer…

As you can imagine, pro vapers over the pond have reacted in dismay at the possible appointment.

The American Vapor Manufacturers say:

Smokers who are using vaping to quit should be front and center from the Califf senate hearing.

Senators should be skeptical and be prepared to vote no until we have an FDA commissioner who is willing to use vaping as a tool to promote public health not continue the FDA’s regulatory arson that leaves former and current smokers without a safe and effective way to quit.

Wise words, however given the current anti-vaping hysteria in the USA, that might be wishful thinking.

Crazy times…

and finally…Mexico Lifts Vape Ban

Let’s end with some good news…

Great to see Mexico has lifted it’s decade long ban on nicotine vapes with a court ruling it ‘unconstitutional‘.

Woman Vaping E Cig

Despite the ban some reports say there’s over 1 million vapers in the country – all of whom have been risking criminal prosecution for the ‘crime‘ of vaping.

As I often say – it’s a crazy world out there.

Minister Norma Peña said:

The State lacks the legitimacy to prohibit fully capable adults from deciding consumption under adequate rationality conditions, and that such consumption is part of their life plan and they freely assume the cost that their health or life may entail.

Wow…a politician speaking sense about vaping…miracles do happen 😉


More vape news on Sunday…

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