According to foreign reports, the Edinburgh based vpz, which claims to be the UK’s largest e-cigarette retailer, will reopen in the city tomorrow after 14 weeks of closure through new security measures.
This phase of the reopening includes chelis, Nicholson street, sandwick square, Gorky road and new bridge branches. Vpz has prepared all testers and sampling equipment for customers, and introduced customer restrictions for stores and queuing space for external tags.
‘there’s a long way to go to make the store completely safe for customers and employees, but we can reopen now,’ said director Doug mutter.
He said the company had tried new procedures before it shut down, and now it can provide a completely non-contact process while still advising smokers.
‘stop smoking services have been cut, and with the closure of stores, we now have a lot of smokers who want to stop smoking, but still can’t get the help they need,’ he said.
Although vpz is ready to reopen its stores across its UK network, it can still deliver all vpz products through orders on its website.
The company has outlined plans to expand to 300 branches. The company announced in March that it would immediately close 155 stores in the UK in line with government measures to curb the coronavirus.
The business had hoped to be in line with its European counterparts, but said it was forced to close temporarily after the UK government failed to clarify its views on e-cigarette stores.
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