Tuesday, October 22, 2024

UK Government Vape Review Launched – Vape News


vape news UK Government Vape Review Launched

UK Vape Regulations Review Now Underway

The long awaited UK Government vape review into the current Tobacco and Related Products Regulations [TRPR] has been launched.

The TRPR is the UK’s version of the TPD – the EU’s e-cigarette and tobacco legislation, and following Brexit we are now at liberty to set our own laws.

uk trpr government review

As a vaper YOU can have your say on how the new TRPR should be written and you can do so on the government’s website:

Tobacco and related products legislation introduced between 2015 to 2016: reviewing effectiveness

To be honest you might call it a damp squib given the actual depth of the consultation’s review considerations:

  • The Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 (TRPR)
  • The Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations 2015 (SPoT)

However, and as far as vaping regulations in the UK are concerned, the first point is pretty much a catchall – meaning everything is up for discussion.

In my opinion it’s better to be kind of loose and flexible if you like, rather than introducing a whole list of options that might result in some key issues being left out.

Prolific vape advocate Clive Bates was unimpressed tweeting:

The consultation is surprisingly poor.

It’s almost as if the government has not bothered to evaluate these policies itself – even though in 2016, the then Department of Health recognised the regulations may have harmful perverse consequences.

However the UK Vaping Industry Association [UKVIA] welcomed the launch.


UKVIA Director general, John Dunne says whilst it true smoking rates have declined significantly over the last decade, with close to 7 million people still smoking, there was still a lot of work to be done adding:

The UKVIA has been preparing for the consultation for several months and we will be engaging with politicians prior to the review to share our vision for the future of British vaping.

As the UK prepares to leave the European Union and take full control of its regulatory landscape and ahead of recently announced development of a new Tobacco Control Plan, there is an enormous opportunity to seize the public health potential of vaping.

Our members have been working tirelessly to agree what a new settlement for vaping should look like, to bolster harm-reduction opportunities and support the Government’s ambition for a Smoke Free 2030.

This will form the basis of our Blueprint for Better Regulation in the vaping industry, a document which we will be publishing shortly.

Across areas as diverse as advertising and enforcement, opportunities exist like never before to empower adult smokers and vapers and drive down smoking prevalence.

Good to see things are indeed finally moving in a post Brexit Britian – at least as far as e-cigarettes is concerned.

I can remember beating the war drums regarding the implementation of the TPD and the real NEED for vapers to get their voices heard.

It was only a handful of vapers, and of course the work of the New Nicotine Alliance that prevented a far stricter set of UK vape regulations being implemented.

The NNA is currently leading the vape consumer campaign to protect the rights of UK vapers and need all the help they can get – sign up for free to join the fight here: NNA Supporters Sign Up

Hopefully well all learn a harsh lesson from that and this time let the UK Government know just how important vaping is a proven harm reduction tool.

So…if you want to see the removal of the silly 10ml bottle law or any of the current vape rules and regulations – you know what to do!

Once again – PLEASE get your voices heard – here’s the link to respond online:

Tobacco and related products legislation introduced between 2015 to 2016: reviewing effectiveness

Vape Mail Banned In the USA

As I reported back in December last year, the US Postal Service is pretty much stopping all vape mail to both vapers and vaping businesses.

It’s a back door vape ban by any other means and the USPS joins Fedex and DHL in refusing to deliver any form of vape mail within the United States.

protect us vape mail CASSA
vape advocacy groups failed to stop anti vape mail bill

It’s leaving both vapers and vape businesses high and dry with only a handful of major shippers left to carry vape mail.

UPS is one – as in the United Parcels Service, a private company – but in order for them to deliver you’ll need to jump through hoops and plough through a mountain of red-tape.

Here in the UK, UPS in particular has long been ‘difficult‘ to deal with, and VERY expensive – for receiving vape gear.

Indeed we have now told ALL vape suppliers we shall no longer receive any packages from UPS given the astronomical charges they have been slapping on for over a year.

The USA vape mail ban stems from the 2021 Federal Omnibus Spending Bill, that sadly sailed through the legislative process.

It’s possible business to business deliveries via the US Postal Service may continue – however it’s pretty certain consumers will not be receiving their vape mail that way.

I doubt there’s anywhere for the vape advocacy groups to turn now as it looks a done deal.

Like I said – it’s a back door vape ban by any other means and yet another threat to small and big vaping businesses in America and indeed globally.

Welcome to the Land Of the Free…

WHO Told To STOP Lying About Vaping and COVID-19

The World Health Organization has been accused of ‘peddling lies‘ about the link between vaping and COVID-19.

The harsh words come from the pro vaping vape advocate Nancy Loucas – a real firebrand for the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates [CAPHRA].

make uk vape shops essential

She says – rightly IMHO – the more the WHO tries to stub out global smoking rates – the more it does to prevent smokers switching to life saving e-cigarettes.

CAPHRA has now produced a 103 page white paper in which it points out among many of the facts known about COVID – one thing is clear, nicotine appears to disrupt its effects.

Read my article: Is Nicotine A Wonder Drug? And Not Just For Tackling COVID-19 Either – for more info on that fact!

Nancy doesn’t hold back – which is very refreshing to see – saying:

For years, the WHO has created a steady stream of anti-vaping claims, which has had dire consequences for adult smokers seeking to quit.

It has also led to many governments passing legislation that bans vaping and all related products.

By going this route, the WHO has chosen to support deadly cigarette consumption over a healthier alternative and in the process has forced vaping into the waiting hands of the black market—and they do this with the full knowledge of the consequences of their actions.

nancy Loucas caphra

The lack of legislation means that these unregulated products end up in the hands of minors, courtesy of the WHO.

There are currently no peer-reviewed studies that have evaluated the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among smokers.

This research question requires well-designed population-based studies that control for age and relevant underlying risk factors.

No Evidence Vaping and COVID-19 Are Linked

There is no evidence about the relationship between e-cigarette use and COVID-19.

If the World Health Organisation and governments globally can be so reliant on the science around COVID-19, why won’t they take the same approach to the smoking pandemic that kills someone every 10 seconds?

Half of all smokers who cannot stop, will die from smoking related illnesses.

That is over 8 million deaths per year

Absolutely 100% agreed, and once again Nancy nails it…

Read the full CAPHRA white paper: WHO’s Latest Error: The Link Between Vaping and COVID

Nova Scotia’s Flavour Ban Stands

It has the strictest vaping regulations in Canada and a challenge to Nova Scotia’s current flavour ban has been dismissed by a judge.

Since the new ‘draconian’ laws were introduced, advocacy groups say the number of smokers in the area has steadily risen and this will have a severe impact on public health.

netherlands flavour ban

Not only that, dangerous black market products have flooded in to fill the gap adding yet another level of ‘danger‘.

The injunction was brought in by William McEachern, but last week, Justice Boudreau denied it – and the excessive vape tax – meaning the few remaining vape shops left look to an uncertain future.

It’s expected the decision will be challenged as ‘unconstitutional‘.

Darryl Tempest, Executive Director of the Canadian Vaping Association [CVA] said:

We are saddened by Justice Boudreau’s decision.

Nova Scotia has allowed rhetoric to triumph over science.

Furthermore, as the black market looks to take advantage of the opportunity presented to them by the Government of Nova Scotia, dangerous non-regulated products will flood the market.

Since criminals don’t ask for ID, Nova Scotia has put youth at far greater risk and actually increased access.

The province was presented with the world’s greatest harm reduction opportunity and instead of supporting smokers’ rights to reduce their harm, Nova Scotia has irreparably damaged public health on multiple levels.

McEachern has the CVA’s full support as he proceeds to a constitutional challenge.

This challenge is no longer about industry.

It is about returning access to life saving products, protecting citizens from illicit vape products and defending Nova Scotian’s constitutional rights.

As I’ve written many times, Canada is tip toeing towards a total vape ban…let’s hope vapers and vaping advocacy groups can get their message heard.

Volunteers Needed For “Puff Tech” Study

Puff technology is being used to understand more about vapers and smokers – especially dual users of e-cigarettes and lit tobacco.

The University of East Anglia has led the way for scientific based vape studies here in the UK, and is now looking for volunteers to take part in the latest study.

traject vape study

The end result could be the development of an artificial intelligence programme that will help smokers quit completely – and I guess vapers too…get me trying to put us all out of business ha!

The Puff Tech is a device that attaches to your vape tank and alongside a mood and tobacco cravings checklist, the tech box will measure the amount of puffs, the duration and the users ‘moods‘.

Dr Emma Ward, co lead of the study that is funded by Cancer Research UK, said:

Dual using both e-cigarettes and tobacco is common and more than a third of UK e-cigarette users continue to smoke tobacco as well.

But we know that smoking tobacco is much more harmful than vaping, and that people who switch from smoking cigarettes to vaping are more likely to remain smoke-free.

We want to find out more about how dual-use varies over time, and what factors help or hinder smokers in switching away from smoking tobacco to using e-cigarettes.

Anyone wishing to take part – there’s a £20 shopping voucher on offer lol – should contact Dr Ward: [email protected] or 07818 024702.

and finally…VapeMate UK Jobs Saved!

Great to end on some good news!

A number of jobs in the UK vaping industry have been saved including those working for the e-liquid brand Vapemate.


The parent company of the popular vape juice brand, EOS Group, was in financial trouble until the owners of AquaVape stepped in and bought them out.

EOS Group is a manufacturer and online retailer of vape gear as well as many CBD products.

Mubaraq Patel, managing director of AquaVape, said:

Vapemate has long been recognised as one of the market leaders in British-made e-liquid and vaping products, which will enable us to broaden our product range significantly.

Moreover, the group behind it has a strong e-commerce platform that will complement our existing sales platforms as we look to build out our presence in the UK market.

Let’s hope they go from strength to strength.


More Vape News on Wednesday!

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