PMEMERS, a renowned player in the electronic cigarette industry, is excited to announce its ongoing global expansion, marked by successful displays at the TPE exhibition in the USA and plans for upcoming showcases at major events in Dortmund, Birmingham, and the United States.
Recently, PMEMERS introduced the flagship product, the MEMERS M18000, at the VAP Expo Paris 2024. This product, along with 3-4 innovative new products including disposable and open-system refillable devices, has captured significant attention and praise from European clients and consumers.
The response from the attendees highlighted the massive market potential for these products, with a consensus that they are set to achieve great success.
PMEMERS is not just about products but also innovation in service. The introduction of the HiSMOK platform, an intelligent e-cigarette big data platform, aims to enhance user experiences and empower brands, ensuring that all new MEMERS products benefit directly.
In addition to their technological advancements, PMEMERS is planning a local launch event for HiSMOK & MEMERS’ new products in Atlanta, USA, after the Champs exhibition. This event will invite American clients and enthusiasts to join in celebrating and discussing the future of vaping technology.
Adam, the Sales Director at MEMERS, expressed gratitude towards their supporters, “We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supports the MEMERS brand. Together, let’s continue to create a healthier and more enjoyable electronic cigarette community.”
Stay updated with PMEMERS by connecting on social media and visit their website for the latest news and developments in the vaping community.
About PMEMERS: Founded in 2023, PMEMERS Vape is a pioneer in atomization technology and applications, dedicated to providing premium products and experiences for smokers and vapers alike, fostering social connections and promoting a better lifestyle.