Sunday, February 23, 2025

Michael Landl Director Of WVA Chats To Ecigclick!!


In my latest “THR Superstars” interview I put some questions to Michael Landl – the director of the WVA (World Vapers’ Alliance).

You will have seen Michael if you follow THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction) on social media and the WVA do an excellent job in educating and fighting for the rights of those who wish to use safer nicotine alternatives!

Tell me a little about your life and career so far…

I serve as the Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA), focusing on representing nicotine consumers and promoting harm reduction through vaping.

I studied at the University of St. Gallen before working for several public policy outlets and the German Parliament as a personal advisor for a member of parliament. So I was writing many briefings and speeches during that time. I am from Austria and based in Vienna. Hopefully, that excuses my Arnie-like accent.

Have you been a smoker? If so how long did you smoke for?

Unfortunately, I started smoking when I was around 16 because I thought it was cool and definitely not for the taste. I kept smoking for 12 years till I got my first vape in my hand and became an “accidental quitter” within two weeks. Since then, I have been completely smoke-free thanks to vaping and the occasional pouch.

Do you vape? If so when did you start? What was your first kit?

I started vaping in 2016, and my first kit was a basic pen-style e-cigarette. I can’t even remember which one because I never expected it to get me off cigarettes – but within two weeks, I was smoke-free and loved it.

How did vaping change your life?

This experience opened my eyes to the potential of vaping. At the time, I had so many friends and colleagues who were still smoking and started to become a vivid advocate for vaping.

What kits stand out for you in your vaping journey and what is your current set up? What kind of device do you prefer?

I am very reluctant to change my setup. Therefore, I am using already for years the Aspire Zelos X and the Caliburn-Uwell. I am an MTL user, and those seem to work best for me. But I am always open to recommendations 😉 .

What flavour is your preference?

I prefer fruity flavours, particularly Berry blends and my Evergreen Green Apple.

When did you first become involved in vaping advocacy / tobacco harm reduction and why?

I first became involved in 2018 after seeing how vaping was being misrepresented in the media and misunderstood by regulators. At the time, I was working in the German Parliament, and talks about tighter vaping regulations started. During that time, I realised how little the actual decision-makers know about vaping and soon after, I started to work with the WVA.

I think that the work of the WVA and that our partners are doing is crucial to keep politicians accountable and consider the real people affected by the popular views and harmful policies.

What current roles do you hold within THR?

I serve as the Director of the WVA, leading our efforts to support vaping advocacy globally.

My primary responsibility is to lead the WVA’s efforts in supporting vaping advocacy groups worldwide and engage with policymakers and regulators to promote sensible vaping regulations.

WVA is comprised of a vast network of vaping enthusiasts and activists. We have 35 organisations in our community, we work with vape shops and many individuals who are trying to do their share of advocacy in their communities. In addition, I frequently comment on vaping-related issues in the media and have spoken at various conferences and events.

What current projects / campaigns are you working on?

We have a multi-faceted approach to our advocacy efforts.

First, we are promoting the Swedish success story, which has almost achieved a smoke-free status by endorsing harm reduction, and we encourage other countries to follow their lead.

Second, we’re part of an international campaign (WVA Mythbusters) designed to combat misinformation and debunk the most common myths about vaping.

Third, we’re advocating a nuanced approach towards disposable vapes and are participating in several public consultations.

Prohibition doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will. A ban on disposable vapes will not eliminate the demand but shift it from regulated to illicit markets, creating negative, unintended public health consequences.
Should be obvious…

— Michael Landl (@LandlMichael) September 15, 2023

Lastly, our next big campaign focus is COP10, where we’re in the planning stages for our involvement in Panama. We’ll definitely be there alongside many activists to ensure our voices are heard.

What do you feel needs to change regarding tobacco harm reduction Worldwide?

We need more evidence-based regulation, less moral panic, and more consumer-friendly approaches. We try to advocate for risk-based regulation wherever we can.

What do you feel is not working regarding THR in the world right now?

There’s a significant misinformation problem and a reactionary stance among regulators that ignores scientific evidence. This hurts current smokers who are misinformed about the actual risk of alternatives and keeps them from switching, and it hurts vapers because it makes it harder to stay away from cigarettes.

Any countries you feel are succeeding in THR?

The UK and Sweden have been particularly progressive in their approach to THR. Their regulation is not perfect, but I think the best we have worldwide.

How would you advise vapers to get involved and stand up for their rights?

Join your national advocacy groups and the WVA, be vocal on social media, and engage with policymakers. Every voice counts, and our own stories are our most powerful tools. We just need to get them out there.

Have you ever been “star struck” meeting people who you admire – so who?

Unfortunately, I only met him online so far, but interviewing Ethan Nadelmann during World Vape Day 2022, a pioneer in the THR space, was a fanboy moment for me, and I think you can see and hear it a bit.

What is your proudest moment in your advocacy career?

Successfully advocating against over-regulation in several countries has been a high point for me.

The takedown of a possible flavour ban in Sweden was definitely my and WVA’s highlight. Together with local activists, we campaigned for months against it, and finally, the parliament voted against it.

Additionally, I think the WVA added a needed voice to the advocacy world. There are many great organisations out there, but our bold activism added the missing piece, I think. Together, we can change things; unfortunately, we sometimes underestimate our consumer power.

What would be a campaign you would love to start if there were no obstacles?

A global campaign educating doctors and healthcare providers on the benefits of vaping over smoking would be fantastic, and an expansion of our “Beat Smoking Like The Swedes” campaign—a global initiative aiming to reduce smoking through adopting harm-reduction technologies and practices similar to Sweden. I’d love to have activities with all 35 national partner organisations and help them spread awareness among society and national politicians.

🌍 Countries like the UK & Sweden lead the way in reducing smoking rates through open approaches to alternative nicotine products. Let’s learn from their success and make smoke-free goals a reality! #HarmReduction

— Michael Landl (@LandlMichael) August 13, 2023

Who (or W.H.O. haha 😉 ) is the biggest enemy when it comes to tobacco harm reduction?

Unfortunately, your hint is correct. WHO’s stance on vaping has been more hindrance than help, and what we hear from COP10 is that it will get much worse if we don’t fight back.

On a more general level, I think misinformation is still the biggest enemy of THR progress. Too many people are grossly misinformed about nicotine and different delivery methods. And the ways how misinformation is being spread are way too many.

Is there a message you would like to give our readers?

Stay informed, stay engaged, and always advocate for your right to a less harmful alternative to smoking, and get involved with consumer organisations. We are not anecdotes, we are proof that harm reduction works.

Finally, if you could give an “Ecigclick Award” to any person, product, or company in the vaping industry / advocacy circle – who / what would it be?

For me, clearly, Clive Bates. His work in “translating” science for consumers and engaging in worldwide policy discussions is outstanding and super helpful for us activists.

Thank You!

Thank you so much to Michael for taking time to chat with me for this interview.

I would like to congratulate him and the whole WVA team for all the hard work they do to stand up for the rights of us vapers!

You can connect with Michael on Twitter / X here – LandlMichael

Or with the WVA here on…

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