Saturday, January 18, 2025

Louise Ross – NNA Chair – Chats To Ecigclick!


I had the opportunity to put some questions across to the chair of the NNA (New Nicotine Alliance) Louise Ross as part of my “THR Superstars” interview series!

I am sure you will be familiar with Louise, whether it is following her on Twitter / X, via the NNA or via the NCSCT (National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training) where she is a freelance clinical consultant.

The NCSCT is an excellent resource which helps to train health professionals in tobacco harm reduction and supporting people quitting smoking. It is a very Pro-vaping website too.

Louise is also Business Development Manager at the Smoke Free App, a digital support system for people wanting to stop smoking.

She is a passionate Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) advocate and often pops up in debates on the subject.

So I popped a few questions over to Louise via email and below are her responses!

Tell me a little about your life and career so far…

I worked as a nurse, then care home manager, in learning disabilities for nearly 30 years, and specialised in recognising the sexuality of adults with learning disabilities, who were often regarded as children with no sexual needs. I changed career radically in 2004, taking up the role of manager for the Leicester Stop Smoking Service.

Have you been a smoker? If so how long did you smoker for?

I smoked for about 20 years, picking up the habit from my children’s father, after my second son was born. I found it gave me that well-known ‘me-time’ and one or two led to 20 a day. I quit in 2004, and very soon after that saw the Stop Smoking Service job advertised, and got it.

Do you vape?

No, although I tried a non-nicotine vape just to see what it was like.

When did you first become involved in vaping advocacy / tobacco harm reduction and why?

I was asked to be an associate of the New Nicotine Alliance, partly because of my outspoken attitude on vaping. I then became a trustee, and when the former Chair stepped down I agreed to be an interim Chair. I’d really prefer a consumer with a passion for advocacy to take over but I’m happy to continue until someone steps up!

What current roles do you hold within THR? Also explain more about the organisation and how you got involved.

As Chair of the New Nicotine Alliance, I provide leadership and work closely with the trustees and associates to capitalise on any opportunities to get the message out about tobacco harm reduction. This links nicely with my other roles, with the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, and the Smoke Free app. My knowledge of tobacco harm reduction is very valuable in these organisations too.

What current projects / campaigns are you working on?

I’m particularly interested in the problems arising from youth use, and am doing everything I can to get people to understand that it’s more complex than would appear at first sight, for instance that many of these young people will have already been smoking, and that some are managing their emotional distress with vaping.

What do you feel needs to change regarding tobacco harm reduction Worldwide?

There should be better governance in the publication of research. It feels like anything negative about vaping can be published and shared by the media, with no brakes on the system to pick up and address inaccuracies, poor science and outright lies.

What do you feel is going well regarding THR in the UK right now?

All the major health organisations are supportive of vaping to quit smoking, and the momentum is growing. This will help the UK meet its ambition for a Smokefree 2030.

What do you feel is not working regarding THR in the UK right now?

The moral panic about youth use is undermining the confidence that people once had in vaping. We need better enforcement of existing regulation, and a more responsible approach to marketing from industry.

You are part of an awareness campaign regarding the WHO FCTC COP10. What do you fear most that could happen?

I fear most that not enough countries will stand up for tobacco harm reduction, and will without protest let the WHO dominate the decision-making.

How would you advise vapers to get involved and stand up for their rights?

They need to check out the NNA website and write to their MP to raise the subject. It’s easy to follow the instructions and only takes a few minutes.

Have you ever been “star struck” meeting people who you admire – if so who?

I’m always excited to meet people I’ve come to know well on social media – face to face meetings are amazing!

What is your proudest moment in your advocacy career?

I think it would have to be when I got a few wonderful people who vaped to the UKNSCC conference in 2014; they gave a talk at a breakout session, and the next year Lorien and I gave a talk to the whole conference. Felt very proud that we’d got vaping into the mainstream.

What would be a campaign you would love to start if there were no obstacles?

The lived experience of long-term vapers, and how much better their health is.

Who is the biggest enemy when it comes to tobacco harm reduction?

People who don’t understand the science, who wilfully distort it and want to force people who smoke to quit ‘the right way’ or die for want of an alternative.

Do you see the UK becoming “anti-vaping” in the future?

No, because we have the science to back up our position.

Is there a message you would like to give our readers?

Help protect the reputation of vaping by recycling vape-waste where possible, and not littering.

Finally if you could give an “Ecigclick Award” to any person, product or company in the vaping industry / advocacy circle – who / what would it be?

So many to choose from, but Amanda Strange, who runs the Ecig Summits, would have to be at the top of my list. She has done so much to change minds, and has come under attack sometimes by people who only know part of the story. She has the respect of many researchers and scientists worldwide and has made a huge difference to the tobacco harm reduction field.

Thank You Louise!

I would like to thank Louise so much for taking time out of her hectic schedule to chat to me!

Thank you for all the excellent work you do for THR!

If you would like to connect with Louise or any of the organisations mentioned above you can follow on the social media accounts below…


Twitter / X : grannylouisa


Twitter / X : NNAlliance

Facebook : NNAlliance

Smoke Free App

Twitter / X : thesmokefreeapp

Facebook : thesmokefreeapp


Twitter / X : NCSCT

Facebook : NCSCT

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