According to vapingpost, a group of experts from the Asia Pacific Alliance of tobacco risk reduction advocates (caphra) has sent letters to the top ministers of nine Asia Pacific countries, asking them to emphasize the implementation of tobacco risk reduction policies in the upcoming World Health Organization Framework Convention on tobacco control (FCTC) parties.
Nancy loucas, director of CAPA and co director of the electronic tobacco community advocacy organization (avca), recently pointed out that who’s position in reducing tobacco harm has cost many people. In Asia Pacific alone, smoking kills one million people a year. Death can be avoided by using reliable alternatives.
“Because who’s position has not changed, smokers in many countries remain very vulnerable and may persist until they die. Let’s not forget that about 80% of the world’s 1.1 billion smokers live in low – and middle-income countries such as the Philippines. “
To this end, the caphra expert advisory group has written to senior ministers from Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. The letter explains that there is more than a decade of evidence that innovative technology assisted thr products such as snuff, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ends) or electronic cigarettes or heated non combustible electronic cigarettes have the potential to combat smoking and its related hazards.
Experts say that because carcinogens found in tar and tobacco smoke are the source of smoking related deaths and diseases, not nicotine, these safer alternatives can be excellent substitutes and smoking cessation tools.
The government continues to implement policy measures that are undermining the current potential of tobacco consumers to shift to a less risky model of nicotine consumption. Because of the restrictive options given by these policies and the lack of widely available information from trustworthy sources, consumers were forced to increase rather than mitigate the damage, the letter said.
Experts say the government failed to embrace emerging science when it resisted these NRTs. “Governments can’t measure consumer change in consumption patterns, and can’t adapt to emerging science and consumer behavior.”
“We strongly urge all parties to uphold the right to health and implement measures to reduce tobacco harm as a key strategy for tobacco control to address existing gaps. We have voiced our voice against the failed campaign of the governing body to be held accountable for its harmful actions against public health. “
Last February, advocates from all over the world gathered in the Philippines to launch smokefree4life, a campaign led by caphra. The campaign aims to educate smokers about the existence of safer alternatives, such as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ends), including e-cigarettes and non burning hot tobacco products, as well as smokeless tobacco (such as snuff).
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