Hi Jonny.
Long time pretty heavy smoker… Especially with drink.
Tried to quit recently but failing miserably. Experience with ecigs – the £5-10 disposable ones from supermarkets are just awful as I’m sure you’ll know – hardly produce any vapour at all.
Bought once from V revolution in Covent Garden which was a good vape but a crappy product that broke and then a few months ago I bought a Tablites refillable – not bad at all but leaks and I really can’t stand getting eliquid in my mouth or when it spills in my jacket etc…
Makes me think why bother and maybe just carry on smoking.
Can you recommend me a really good one that doesn’t leak and maybe one with cartridges that I don’t have to bother with the hassle of e-liquid myself but also has a really good hit?
Thanks – appreciated
Hey Paul,
Thanks for getting in touch.
Yeah I’m with you on the disposables, not used one for around 3 years but they were pretty much a waste of time then!
OK I’ll do my best to help you, you have pretty specific wants so will try and narrow it down.
If you are adamant on going down the route of buying a device with cartridges (also know as cartomisers) then this can narrow down the selection.
As I’m sure you know most e cigs with cartridges are the ‘cig-a-likes’ which do have a shorter battery life than the likes of the Tablites refillable you would have tried. But there are still good options so here we go.
Jacvapour V1P Starter Kit – Review here
This is a cig-a-like kit that has cartridges but also has a rechargeable case so you just keep your battery charged on the go. The cartomizers are available pre-filled and you also have the choice of refilling them yourself if you decide to go down that route at a later date.
Check out this Jacvapour Discount Code to save 15% on any purchase.
V2 Cigs – Review here
I really like the flavour (subjective of course) and the amount of vapour these produce for cig-a-likes is good. They are available with a charging case. They also allow you to refill with your own e-liqui or just buy pre-filled.
Check out this V2 Cigs Discount Code to save 10% on all purchases
Both of the above offer refunds if you are not happy even if you have tried them.
For cig-a-likes both of the above do a great job.
For Better Battery Life
If you are out and about a lot or use your e cig away from a charging point I would recommend you try and go for the bigger capacity batteries. The problem is that few are used with cartomisers. In fact the only one that is compatible (that I personally know of) I have checked and it’s no longer being produced!
There are some great vape pen products that can be seen here
If you could get used to refilling though and can get used to a tank and battery that is bigger than what you have used before then this is what I would recommend.
In fact, this is the setup I am using right now. The Cool Fire 4 Plus rotating with the following tanks. Innokin Apex Tank and Aspire Cleito. These will in my opinion give you a great chance at giving up the ciggies for good.
They can give you a better vaping experience, they are on a different level to the gear you have tried so far. Of course it all comes down to budget as well Paul.
Here it is anyway!
Mini Box Mods
There are a few great choices in this area, check out the following links for our top picks.
I know some of the options may seem to have a lot of moving parts but they are really easy to get the hang of.
The likes of the Innokin Apex tank are great and for me have proved leak free. The only time this leaked was when I forgot to close the top fill section! My own fault though! I take this everywhere with me as well and carry around in my pocket.
My full review is here – https://www.ecigclick.co.uk/innokin-isub-apex-5-tank-review/
I thought I would throw the latter in there Paul in case this is something you would consider.
Apologies that my answer went on a bit! Please feel free to ask any questions about any of the above! Or get clarification on anything.