Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Panama Supreme Court Strikes Down E-Cigarette Ban as Unconstitutional


On May 15, the Supreme Court of Panama (CSJ) delivered a landmark ruling declaring Decree No. 315 unconstitutional. This decree, enacted on June 30, 2022, had banned the use, import, and sale of e-cigarettes and similar devices across the country. This unanimous decision by Judge Olmedo Arrocha has reverberated throughout the e-cigarette industry and among vaping consumers, heralding a significant legal victory for personal freedom and industry regulation.

The Constitutional Showdown

The crux of the court’s decision rested on Article 170 of the Panamanian Constitution, which details the legislative process for enacting laws. This article requires that any draft law rejected by the executive must return to the National Assembly for further debate—requirements that Decree No. 315 failed to meet, leading directly to its downfall. By bypassing the necessary legislative scrutiny, the decree was rendered invalid, prompting the court to strike it down and send ripples through the legal and regulatory landscape.

The ARDTP’s Victory Dance

The Association of Harm Reduced Tobacco of Panama (ARDTP) played a pivotal role in challenging the decree. The ARDTP argued that the original legislative proposal had been unduly altered by Congress without sufficient constitutional basis. Their advocacy highlighted the importance of adhering to legislative norms and protecting consumer rights against arbitrary legal changes. This victory is not just for the ARDTP but for all advocates of reduced harm tobacco products who seek fair legislative processes.

The E-Cigarette Industry’s Rollercoaster

For the e-cigarette industry, this ruling represents a golden opportunity to reset and thrive under a revised regulatory framework. The previous ban had put significant strain on the market, stifling innovation and consumer choice. With the ban now overturned, manufacturers and retailers are poised to reintroduce their products, though they must navigate the new landscape of regulations that will likely emerge from this decision. This scenario offers a chance to demonstrate the industry’s commitment to safety and consumer satisfaction.

Consumers: The Real Winners?

The real beneficiaries of this decision are the consumers, particularly those who have embraced e-cigarettes as a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking. With the unconstitutional ban lifted, they regain the legal right to choose their preferred products. This development underscores the importance of consumer rights and the need for legislation that aligns with constitutional protections and public health interests.


The Supreme Court of Panama’s decision to overturn the e-cigarette ban marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate over vaping and public health. By aligning the legal framework with constitutional requirements, the court has set a precedent that respects both legislative integrity and consumer rights. This ruling not only rectifies a legal oversight but also opens the door to more balanced regulations that can support public health while respecting personal choices.

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