New research from Brunel University, London reveals how smokers switching to vapes could help save the NHS millions.
Read the article here: NHS would save more than £500m a year if half of England’s adult smokers vaped instead.
As you can imagine this has made many news sources including the Daily Mail and Independent websites.
Unfortunately to read the full article you will have to pay – but if you are interested it is here.
The article is written by Prof Francesco Moscone who is a business economics expert at Brunel.
The study aims to assess potential savings to the NHS if smokers in England switched to RRP’s (Reduced Risk Products). RRP’s are classed as e-cigarettes or vaping products.
He says…
“Cancer, heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema are the five main disease categories caused by smoking cigarettes. Such illnesses put significant burdens on the NHS, which we know is already under increasing pressure,”
“Although the long-term effects of RRP’s are still unknown, we know from previous research that alternatives to traditional cigarettes result in a 90% reduction in the exposure to chemicals that are major contributors to health risks.”
He calculated that a smoker swapping smoking for vaping would have a 70% reduction in diseases caused by smoking. This is due to the lack of harmful chemicals found in cigarettes.
“Under a 50% conversion scenario, with half of smokers turning to RRPs, the NHS would save an estimated £518 million in an average year. If the conversion rate was just 10%, the NHS would save £103 million,”
“If smokers transitioned to RRPs, it would significantly reduce the pressure on the NHS and free up much-needed hospital resources for other treatments.”
The study also highlighted differences between regions with the North East and Yorkshire having double the number of people with Lung Cancer compared to the rest of England.
The North East and Yorkshire face significant smoke-related health challenges. According to the article…
“lung cancer treatment alone costing the NHS more than £156 million a year, and would therefore see the biggest reduction in savings if smokers switched to RRP’s.”
Apparently if 10% of smokers in these areas switched to vapes the NHS could save £148 million!
Also the document covers the fact that the UK is not on track to meet the Smoke-free 2030 goal – something that Cancer Research UK reported on in January 2023.
Concluding Prof Moscone said…
“Embracing the transition to RRPs would not only save the NHS millions of pounds, but it would present a crucial opportunity for us to regain momentum and align with our ambitious 2030 plan,”
“By embracing innovation and recognising the potential of RRP’s, we can chart a course towards a future with reduced risks while remaining resolute in our commitment to achieving our goals.”
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