Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Win For Turning Point -+ More Vape News


Win For Turning Point vape news

A Turn Around For Turning Point

It’s an MDO win for Turning Point as the FDA backs down following a law suit.

As I reported last week, vape brand Turning Point had filed a law suit challenging the FDA’s decision to pretty much ban all of it’s products.

turning points vape brands

The good news is the FDA has backed off and decided Turning Point’s Marketing Denial Orders [MDOs] should be rescinded.

In other words, the FDA wasn’t at all keen at seeing the reasons behind the ban looked at in an open court…things that make you go ummm.

Turning Point has links to the Solace, VaporFi and Vapor Shark brands, and a letter from the FDA to the company states:

Upon further review of the administrative record, FDA found relevant information that was not adequately assessed.

Specifically your applications did contain randomized controlled trials comparing tobacco-flavored ENDS to flavored ENDS as well as several cross-sectional surveys evaluating patterns of use, likelihood of use, and perceptions in current smokers, current ENDS users, former tobacco users, and never users, which require further review.

…in light of the unusual circumstances,” the agency “has no intention of initiating an enforcement action against any of [TPB’s] tobacco products identified” and if it “were to later seek to initiate an enforcement action … as to any of those products, it would first send a warning letter.

Like I said…things that make you go ummm…

As I’ve written before, there’s no way the FDA has gone through every single one of the almost 7 million PMTAs with a fine tooth comb.

Given the organisation looks worried about a court of law looking in detail into the whole process, this could open up a hell of a lot more law suits.

It’s a win for Turning Point and let’s hope plenty more vape companies follow its lead.

Michigan Lifts Flavour Ban

It’s kind of good news for vapers in Michigan as the state’s ban on e-liquid flavours is lifted.

I say ‘kind of‘ given the current PMTA process looks ever likely to ban all flavours countrywide except tobacco and maybe menthol.

flavour ban

Still, it’s a glimmer of light in the current darkness surrounding the US vape scene.

Legislators say the ban will be replaced by other laws including raising the legal age to buy vape products from 18 to 21, and a whopping 18% vape tax!

It was back in September 2019 the original flavour ban was brought in.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer used controversial ‘emergency powers‘ citing a a health crisis and a real threat to kids…*sighs*

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) said:

MDHHS is working with our legislative partners to protect youth from the addiction that can result from flavored nicotine vaping products.

Because of progress on a legislative solution, MDHHS has pulled back the rules that were to be considered by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.

MDHHS remains committed to protecting Michigan youth from the dangers of nicotine use and addiction and appreciates the spirit of partnership within the Legislature to find a solution that accomplishes this important goal.

Good to hear, but as I said, given the bigger picture it’s a small victory.

New Zealand Should Follow the UK’s Lead On Free Vapes

A New Zealand advocacy group says the country should follow the UK’s lead and begin handing out free vape kits to smokers.

The Government is pro-vape and it’s website Vaping Facts agrees that vaping is far safer to health than smoking.

nancy Loucas caphra
Nancy Loucas

On the back of the drive for a smokefree country by 2025, Nancy Loucas, the co-director of the Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy (AVCA) says:

Our Government is now determined to get Smokefree 2025 back on track.

Budget Day on 20 May is the first opportunity to put its money where its mouth is. Our District Health Boards and Maori health organisations have had huge success with switching smokers into vapers. It’s time for the Government to back them more.

Let’s hope she gets her way.

Your Chance To Tackle Bloomberg!

Registration is open for the 8th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) and anti-vaping czar Mike Moneybags Bloomberg will be one of the speakers.

The conference will be held in Dublin Ireland and has been moved to October 2023 due to the ongoing COVID19 ‘pandemic‘…

Bloomberg and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Michael Bloomberg, WHO Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases and Founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO.Photo©The Union/Steve Forrest/Workers’ Photos

The WHO doesn’t usually like real tobacco harm control advocates attending such events, however one of the keynote speakers says all are welcome…we shall see lol.

Guy Marks, President of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, said:

We encourage tobacco control advocates from all backgrounds, working in all sectors, to join and participate in sessions, and we will endeavour to make this event as accessible and affordable as possible.

I have a feeling a few vape advocacy groups out there are already on the WHO’s blacklist.

I know for a fact the WHO refuses to consider talking with the New Nicotine Alliance – they’re on the same blacklist as international arms dealers…yes really lol.

Speaking about the event, Bloomberg said:

With so many lives at stake, this first-ever Summit comes at a critical time for global leaders in tobacco control.

We face a number of urgent, overlapping challenges – as COVID-19 continues to pose a deadly threat to respiratory health, as tobacco companies try to exploit the pandemic to burnish their images, and as low- and middle-income countries confront the growing burden of tobacco-related diseases.

But, together, we can tackle these challenges – and continue to make life-saving progress with our partners in the fight against tobacco, worldwide.

I could save you all the blather and suggest vaping is 95% + safer than smoking – has allowed millions of smokers to quit and should be embraced not banned.

It’s really that simple…

The conference will be held virtually between October 19-22 2023…let’s hope more than a few vape advocacy groups get involved…

Register here.

Thailand’s Vape Ban Questioned

Vaping has been banned in Thailand since 2014, but one politician says the ban should be lifted.

As it stands now, if you’re caught vaping in the country you could face up to 10 years in jail!

vape gear seized in thailand
Recent vape gear seizure in Thailand – image via: Thaiger

As I’ve reported, many tourists fell foul of the strict vape laws and others were ‘shaken down‘ by over zealous police officers.

Digital Economy and Society (DES) Minister Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn says he’s looking into how e-cigarettes could be legalized in the country.

However, and as expected, he’s really opened up a can of worms and is facing stiff opposition from health officials and fellow politicians.

Chaiwut quite rightly believes vaping is the best way to help smokers quit, however opponents say they’ll battle his plans every step of the way.

There’s a brilliant editorial in the Bangkok Post that’s well worth a read which concludes:

The government needs to wake up and treat consumers and all players in this industry with maturity and lucidity.

It is incontestable that cigarettes and e-cigarettes are bad for people’s health.

But a mature government must let people decide.

All policy-makers must do is create fair and effective mechanisms to direct consumers’ behaviour.

The existing policy and tax measures do not.

Wise words…

It’s not just the health officials and politicians that Chaiwut will be facing…

Bloomberg of course has shown a keen interest in ‘tobacco harm control‘ in Thailand…

I expect his lobbying to go up a few notches in the near future…

and finally…More FREE Vape Kits For UK Smokers

Speaking of free vape kits for UK smokers, those looking to switch to vaping really should head over to eliquids dot com.

The company is offering £100,000 worth of FREE vaping starter kits as part of Stoptober!

switch to vaping stoptober

The scheme is called Switch2Vaping and not only offers a free vape kit, but experts will be on hand to discuss what’s best for you AND offer follow-up advice and support.

This is REAL advocacy at work and is a fantastic initiative.

The company says:

Online vape stores aren’t doing enough to provide people with anti-smoking resources and programmes.

We want to change this!

As firm believers in vaping, we’re offering a FREE and practical solution to help hundreds quit smoking with no hidden costs.


To find out more head over to the Switch2Vaping and sign up!

Make sure you pass this on to the smokers in your life…


More vape news on Wednesday

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