I wish I had found your website earlier as I made few mistakes with cig-a-likes in my attempts to give up the fags!!
From your reviews of box mods I purchased a Jacavapour Series B Tilt /Aero V2 combo and some JAC real tob light (12mg), sorted 🙂
However, a friend give me a vape of Boulevard by Wick Liqour from his Innokin iSub G, wow great stuff.
As the Aero tank was only 2.5ml, and with TPD coming, I decided to get an iSub (black) (looks wicked on the Tilt) and an Isub G with the new 2 ohm coils, Innokin also include a delrin drip tip to replace the wide sub ohm tip in the 5 pack.
So the Innokin iSub G tank was filled up with Space Jam, 2 ohm coil and power set to 10 W (Innokin recommended min) and the flavors/vapes are great. No changes required.
The iSub black was filled with the Jacvapour Real Tobacco Lite, 2 ohm, power set at 10W and initial flavor/vapes were good, but soon the flavor diminished to a woody aftertaste.
I changed the coil, refilled, but similar flavor loss occurred again.
I noticed that the iSub coils are really fast on the button, only c.2-2.5 seconds firing required for good vape.
The Kanger Aero requiring c.4-5 secs to achieve similar with 1.8 ohm coils. Are the iSub coils burning the JAC low VG (20%) juice with their fast heat up?
I have varied the power from 8 to 12W, and air flow from max to min to max etc. to try to find the spot but to no avail.
Do the iSub coil prefer a higher VG content juice?
The SJ is 50/50. I want to try the Black Note e juice but do not want to spend £20 to taste a bit like a camp fire!
Any thoughts/help with the JAC juice/iSub coil dilemma would be greatly appreciated.
Hey David,
Great stuff on the Jacvapour Series B Tilt, great little mod!
OK, your problem is a tough one, as you are no doubt already aware the different variables when it comes to vaping is crazy.
So a few things that may be contributing to the issue, apologies if these seem basic as you do seem to have good vaping experience, but here goes anyway!
First up I wouldn’t think your PG/VG ratio should have too much baring on the vape with the iSub coil. As long as enough time has been allowed to wick sufficiently it shouldn’t burn at the right wattage.
- Burnt coils – If you fired the device on a dry coil (Coil not primed) for even a short amount of time then your cotton may be burnt. No amount of switching settings will get rid of this taste. Only option is to replace coil or remove and replace cotton (which is possible in iSub tanks).
- Priming the coils touched on above – Leaving juice to soak for 5 mins before firing up device. Also a couple of drips directly to the coil before screwing tank on.
- Check coils for any residue machine oil – Not a common thing but MAY sometimes make things taste nasty
- Vapers tongue – Can happen when vaping the same e liquid for a long time. Try switching up juices (or a cup of black coffee sometimes does it for me to reset the taste buds). Or taking a break from a specific flavor for a while. Vaping aniseed or menthol vapes can also clear the palette.
Have you tried the juices in the opposite isub tanks ie: the Jac in the iSub Glass and the Space Jam in the polycarbonate tank?
Again, shouldn’t have too much of a change but worth checking out.
Let me know on the above, I’d say the main one would be allowing the juice to wick for 5-10 minutes before firing up but I have a feeling you would have done that.
I’m still racking my brains to see what else could be causing the issue!
Reply From Ecigclick Reader
Hi Jonny,
Many thanks for your reply to my queries.
I followed the iSub instructions within 3 drops into the coil, and then waiting about 45 mins before use. I previously burnt a coil with too much power (experimenting) and got an acrid horrid burnt taste, different to the ‘woody’ experience.
You are correct in stating that vaping is a strange art with so many variables, here is one that proves it!
I have been doing a bit of mixology. I have been putting some JAC menthol into the JAC RTL, as I used to be partial to the occasional menthol ciggy.
Started at 50% menthol then cut that down to 25%. This gave a tobacco noted inhale and a cool menthol exhale.
I then poured about 1ml of this mix out of the kanger tank into the RTL in the iSub tank.
This gave approx a 10% menthol mix in the iSub, and amazingly the tobacco notes were back with a cool exhale, no more harsh woody tastes!
This is all on the same coil, so maybe it has settled down a bit too.
I had been using the Real Tobacco Lite in the small Kanger tank for 3 months, at 8.5W -1.8Ohm, battery life 9 days!!!
So was not firing it up properly and hence not getting a good vape. Working the iSub at min 10W, with its larger 2 ohm coil, produces much more vapor and with the ‘vapers tongue’ that you mention was probably also the cause of the strange taste that I was getting when changing set-ups.
I have ordered an Innokin Coolfire 4, from your review, so I don’t have to keep swapping tanks to get all my flavours. Black iSub on Tilt looks wicked though.
Hey David,
It looks sweet doesn’t it! I need to dig my Series B / iSub black back out! 🙂
Good stuff, yeah vaping is all about playing around with different variables, luckily you don’t mind doing that to find your sweet spot!
Many give up first time as if they aren’t happy with the results which is a shame.
I used to mix flavors a good few years back when the options were limited but I tend to have too many juices sent for review to get through nowadays to experiment fully. Might just have to get back into it though.
The good thing about the iSub as well is that there are different coil heads available as I’m sure you are aware! The coils are also compatible with the various iSub tanks available.
You might want to try some of the iSub Clapton coils further down the line, I find the flavor to be great with these. Maybe more suited to ‘flavors’ as opposed to tobacco vapes though.
This is sub ohm vaping (juice drinking) territory, so if you are going for Black Note probably not a good idea sub ohm vaping that gear 🙂
Let me know how you get on and glad you sorted the funky taste out!