Monday, January 20, 2025

COVID 19 and Vapour Plus More Vaping News


covid 19 and vapour vape news

COVID 19 and Vaping

It might seem a simple question, is there a link between COVID 19 and vapour from e-cigarettes, however the answer is no one actually knows.

When I say ‘link’ I of course mean can the virus be transmitted via the vapour from an e-cigarette?

covid 19 and vaping

The Huffington Post says it’s received a whole host of questions on this topic from vapers and none vapers alike.

It turned to Professor Linda Bauld and Professor Caitlin Notely to answer this cloudy question and both admit science does not have the answer.

However, Professor Bauld, from the University of Edinburgh, says whilst it’s possible the virus may be within vapour from those infected, the risk of others becoming infected is probably low:

We do know from smoking that when people exhale cigarette smoke, the side stream smoke that comes out of the cigarette can carry respiratory pathogens.

So it would certainly be, I would say, likely that if [infectious] people are exhaling vapour there will be virus in that vapour.

…I wouldn’t suggest it’s significantly higher risk than somebody [who has the virus] breathing heavily.

Both scientists suggest it might not be a good idea to vape indoors around other people, and to practice increased social distancing.

Professor Notley suggests studies need to be carried out to see once and for all if infectious particles are found within e-cigarette vapour.

And on the matter of social distancing she suggests vapers should be extra vigilant and maybe stand further away from people whilst vaping adding:

It’s a courtesy to others really of making sure any exhaled vapour is not going to be inhaled by anyone else – so just avoiding crowded, built up areas like we should all be doing anyway.

We wouldn’t want to discourage people from vaping if they’ve chosen to vape as a way of stopping smoking.

We do know clearly from the evidence that people who are smoking tobacco have a greater risk of poor Covid outcomes if they are infected.

Despite being ‘allowed’ to vape within a couple of my local pubs, I have instinctively found myself popping outside for a vape.

However standing outside near smokers and the reaction from passers by to my vapour is not without its, shall we say, issues…

Innokin Teams Up With EFL

Innokin has scored a major marketing success as it goes onside with the English Football League.

That would be soccer to our American friends lol.

Innokin EFL

In a press release the hugely popular vape company says:

Innokin is glad to reach thousands of people by spreading our message at the EFL Championship matches this year.

They hope this campaign brings attention to the alternatives to smoking, the health risks of smoking are known by everyone but that doesn’t mean quitting is easy, especially without help and they’d like to support you in your journey to finally being smoke-free and living a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Innokin has always had harm reduction at the heart of everything they do and this year for Stoptober, they are glad to team up with English Football League (EFL) to advise people to kick the habit and make the switch.

Year after year Innokin’s starter kits win multiple awards, and more importantly, help thousands of people to kick the habit.

Innokin will continue to work closely with vaping associations and institutes around the world, to sponsor advocacy and education, they hope that more smokers will learn about the alternatives and find support to help them stop smoking for good.

Formed in 1888 by its twelve founder members, the EFL is the world’s original league football competition and is the template for leagues the world over.

The English Football League Championship known as the Football League Championship from 2004 until 2016 is the highest division of the English Football League (EFL) and second-highest overall in the English.

Great news indeed.

Let Us Sell E-cigarettes Say Aussie Shopkeepers

Shopkeepers in Australia say the current ban on the sale of e-cigarettes within stores is farcical and will create a dangerous black market.

The law around vaping down under is indeed a strange one…


The ban on the import of all things vape for personal use will soon been lifted – this after it was deemed e-cigarettes could only be bought from pharmacies after a doctors prescription.

Now the National Retailers Association [NRA] says so called mom and pop shops should be allowed to sell e-cigarettes and e-liquids given they are already ‘trusted’ with selling lit tobacco.

Dominique Lamb from the NRA said:

The only people who will be banned from selling smoke-free tobacco products will be the tens of thousands of mum-and-dad retailers who currently rely on cigarette sales but are desperate to offer their customers a less harmful alternative.

This government clearly supports overseas retailers as much as it supports big-box corporate pharmacy.

It’s just a shame that it won’t support small, local Australian businesses.

It is indeed a crazy state of affairs down under and lets hope the Australian Government actually listens.

JUUL Beats Mafia Charges!

A judge has dismissed a court case claiming vape giant JUUL was engaged in ‘racketeering‘.

Hundreds of groups including school districts and consumers, had used the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Practices Act [RICO] accusing the company of marketing to teenagers.

JUUL and the mafia
NOT JUUL’s new company image 🙂

That law as you probably know is usually reserved for groups like the Mafia and tends to centre around organized crime.

Last week San Francisco judge William Orrick dismissed the case saying it didn’t pass ‘legal muster’.

However the door remains open for further legal action should the lawyers come up with more evidence.

New York Ordered To Pay Vape Groups Costs

A judge says the state of New York must pay the legal costs of vape groups that took it to court over the emergency flavour ban.

That ban was stopped, however a fresh flavour ban was brought into the state late last year.

vaping in the usa

Pro vaping groups including the Vapor Technology Association had filed the case saying NY had over stepped its reach.

Supreme Court Justice Catherine Cholakis agreed, however she’s called for a hearing as to just how much should be paid out.

The vape groups say the fees come to over $380,000, and Judge Cholakis is a little surprised at the amount adding:

[I] bristle, though, at the amount of costs and fees sought by (the vaping group).

Indeed, the total amount sought appears, at least on its face, to be an eye-popping sum, even when judged by New York counsel fee standards.

Whatever they receive it’s a victory and we don’t see many of those over in America.


Sorry for the lack of Vape News recently – long story lol.

More Vaping News on Sunday!

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