Vaporesso Together We Can Campaign
The Vaporesso Together We Can campaign has been launched and hopes to bring ‘confidence and unity‘ to the world of vaping.
Vaporesso believes vape shops are the ‘pillars‘ of the vaping global community and as such the company wants shops to have their voices heard through better communication.
They’ve created the Power Shop scheme and want to forge better links between manufacturers, shops, and consumers.
Vaporesso say it will support all vape shops within the scheme offering advice on sales and marketing and in these trying COVID-19 times, be on hand to offer help on supplies and other issues facing business owners.
It’s hoped that vape shops in the scheme will team up offering support to each other too.
Simon Lai, Vaporesso’s CEO, said the past year has been especially tough on vape shops with many closed down or gone bust and says he hopes the video explains what they’re trying to do adding:
The video reflects the journey we’ve gone through with our vape shop partners in the past year.
There are pain and gain, tough times and achievements.
However, our vape shop partners are never alone.
There are thousands of friends and partners supporting and empowering each other in the Vaporesso Power Shop community.
We’ve gone through 2020 by supporting each other, and we firmly believe that our community will become even stronger and see a brighter year in 2021.
Fantastic idea and great to see Vaporesso doing this 🙂
Vape shop owners looking for more info should head to the Vaporesso Powershop web page.
RELX Floats On the Stock Exchange
RELX is China’s largest vape company and is now selling its stock on the US stock exchange.
The company is selling single stocks at between $8 to $10 each and is hoping to raise an incredible $1.17bn from the initial launch.
It’s an interesting move given recent bad relationships between the USA and China – may the new Biden Government will be ‘friendlier‘…*coughs*
RELX is behind the RELX Infinity pod kit that Jonny loved and is linked to Smoore Technology the company behind the FEELM ceramic coil system.
SMOORE Chairman and CEO Chen Zhiping, was recently named as the first vaping billionaire – a company moving up in the world to say the least!
Milan Outdoor Smoking Ban
Vapers in Milan Italy breathed a huge sigh of relief last week.
The local government had brought in a new outdoor smoking ban, however e-cigarettes are exempt!
The no smoking rule means smokers won’t be able to light up in parks – bus stops or even cemeteries!
The council says the ban has come in to:
…reduce PM10 fine particles, which are harmful to the lungs, and protect the health of citizens against active and passive smoking in public places.
Good to see common sense at work by not banning vaping in public spaces – proof positive once again there’s no such thing as ‘passive vaping‘.
Flavour Bans – Canadian Vapers WILL Return To Smoking
The mission creep of proposed flavour bans in Canada will mean vapers returning to smoking says one advocacy group.
The Consumers’ Association of Canada says it’s ‘adamant‘ that any e-liquid flavours play a crucial role in getting smokers to quit and removing them will have ‘devastating effects‘ on individual and public health.
Bruce Cran, President of the Consumers’ Association of Canada, said:
Governments are right to be concerned about our youth’s attraction to vaping devices, but they should not penalize adult ex-smokers who do not want to return to smoking.
Vapers need support to quit smoking and to avoid going back to cigarettes.
The flavours in vaping devices play a key role in the daily efforts of the smoking-to-vaping transition.
Therefore, we ask the Quebec government to exercise caution, to listen carefully to the harm-reduction experts and to remain sensitive to what vaping product consumers have to say.
These ex-smokers were able to kick the habit with vaping, but thousands of ex-smokers could start smoking again if governments ban the flavours, with devastating impacts on our health care system.
There’s a flavour ban due in Quebec and advocates fear it could spread countrywide.
A new report echoes the worrying effect a flavour ban could have noting:
- Quebec alone accounts for 1.3 million smokers each year.
- According to Quebec Public Health, smokers who want to quit need at least three tries to quit successfully.
- Tobacco harm reduction experts point out that vaping is the most effective alternative to traditional tools such as patches, gum and inhalers as a way to quit smoking.
- Health Canada states on its website that there is a clear link between the use of a vaping device and improved success rates for quitting smoking.
- Various scientific studies show that vaping is a safer way to consume nicotine and that the more smokers turn to vaping, the more the harms associated with smoking decrease.
The group points out that many other adult flavoured products apparently attractive to youngsters remain untouched:
…the Association remains perplexed as to why governments seek to address the policy challenge of youth vaping through blanket product restrictions affecting all consumers, when that is not the case for other products.
We have previously written to governments listing a vast array of flavoured alcohol and cannabis products which are not banned, despite youth drinking and cannabis use.
We do not understand why then flavour bans are the approach for youth vaping, especially given potential benefits of vaping for adult smokers who switch.
It’s a question many of us have been asking for an age…
and finally…Would You Like Fries With That Big Mac Vape Juice..?
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder…how about the McDonald’s Big Mac Vape Juice..?
Yes really lol…
It took UK vaper Dave Sykes 25 attempts to mix the Big Mac e-liquid but says the recipe will remain a secret…
What we do know is he used x3 food flavourings to create to concoction and said:
I’ve had so many McDonald’s over the years I knew exactly what taste I was looking for — sort of a thousand island dressing with a beefy undertone.
The first attempt was awful so I binned it.
But I kept trying different flavourings in different proportions until it was exactly right.
Dave only began vaping during the lockdown after quitting smoking and says his local McDonald’s was shut and he craved a big burger.
Now he’s perfected the recipe his next project is a KFC flavour lol.
The cynic in me is wondering if the company’s lawyers will be sniffing around very soon…
Would you vape on the Big Mac vape juice?
Let me know in the McComments below 😉
More vaping news on Sunday!