VapeWild To Close Due To the PMTA
It’s one of the most popular e-liquid brands around but the upcoming PMTA has closed VapeWild – sad news to say the least…
And even sadder is this could be the first of very many big name American vape brands to shut down, with many smaller companies forced to close.
I said the process would decimate the US vaping industry in my article a little over a year ago: Vaping In America Faces Total Devastation As Anti-Vape Legislation Is Moved Forward – read that for more background.
The deadline for the Pre-Market Tobacco Product Applications [PMTA] is a couple of weeks away – September 9th 2020 to be precise.
So far a mere handful of companies have submitted the mountain of paperwork and scientific evidence required to the FDA – most of those are backed by Big Tobacco cash – including JUUL.
In a nutshell every single vape product from individual e-liquid flavours, coils, mods, kits, pods and even merchandise MUST have a PMTA submitted.
Those that do will be allowed to remain on sale for up to 12 months or until the FDA gives the nod the PMTA has been successful.
The real kick in the balls is each PMTA application can cost up to an eye watering $460,000 – crazy and down right criminal to say the least.
As to why the PMTA has closed VapeWild?
The company issued a statement on its decision yesterday:
Yep, it’s that time. The PMTA deadline is finally upon us – September 9th. It’s been a long road, and we did our best, but, in the end, we just aren’t able to pull it off. So, September 9th will be the end of the line for VapeWild.
Dear John letters always suck, but hey, it’s not you – it’s us.
And while we still have some time left together, we wanted to let you know as soon as we could so that you would have a chance to get everything you need stocked up.
These are crazy times we’re living in, and they just keep getting crazier. Our sincerest hope, though, is that we have somehow made a difference in the world for the better over these last six years.
You’ll probably see emails from other places over the next few weeks with words like “it is with a heavy heart” or “with our deepest regrets”, etc.
But we don’t have a heavy heart or any regrets.
We did the best we could and sure enjoyed the heck out of sharing it with all of you.
It’s been the greatest roller coaster ride any of us have ever been on, and it is with our sincerest thanks that we write to you. We wish you the best on your vape journey!
Thank you for coming along with us on this wild ride.
I reviewed a few of the VapeWild e-liquids and whilst they were a little bit sweet for me I did meet them at a Vaper Expo and a few I tried really were bloody delicious.
And yeah I still have the inflatable pink flamingo in my bathroom ha!
Your heart has to go out to the staff who will now be out of a job and all we can hope is Trump realizes what this PMTA process is doing to a booming industry and acts.
Please do go over to the website – there’s plenty of deals to be had and let them go out with a boom.
Very sad times indeed…
Sales Of VUSE Rockets In the States
Until the arrival of the JUUL, the VUSE e-cigarette was king in America and it’s making a come back in a big way.
Thanks to low prices and a clever marketing campaign the pod kit is clawing back the market share with a rise in sales of over 80%!
All this whilst JUUL is embroiled in a minefield of legal battles.
VUSE is owned by Big Tobacco – in this case Reynolds American Inc. – and is flooding social media with trendy posts and ads.
It has also brought in artists and musicians to design on trend skins for the kit which currently costs just 99 cents.
A spokesman says they are NOT targeting youth and have strict measures in place so that only over 25’s see the content adding:
Vuse is not popular among youth.
That is precisely the way we want it.
I have a sneaky feeling we might be hearing a lot more about this once some headline hungry politician gets wind of it…
Montana Flavour Ban Blocked
Thanks to a number of Republican politicians the proposed flavour ban in Montana has been defeated.
20 state representatives and senators had challenged the ban – the exact number required to stop the legislation.
Sheila Hogan, the state’s Public Health and Human Services Director had said the ban was of course to ‘protect the children’.
In a recent speech she referred to bogus research suggesting kids that vape were more likely to contract COVID-19 – see the link to the recent Vape News for more on that.
Great to see the Republican party beginning to understand the incredible health benefits to be gained from vaping – I just wish Trump would do something about the PMTAs – see the lead story!
Spain Bans Smoking and Vaping In the Street
A sudden surge in cases of the cornavirus has led to a nationwide ban of smoking and vaping in Spain’s public spaces.
The move comes after ‘experts’ warned the virus could be held in tobacco smoke and vapour – though no real research has been done.
Clubs, restaurants and bars will also be closed at 1am and gatherings of over 10 people is also banned.
However, the wording of the vape ban is curious as it states ‘only where social distancing is not possible‘.
If you’re off on your holidays to sunny Spain make sure you get the up to date info on this or risk a fine…
Hawaii Flavour Ban Inches Closer
A total flavour ban is looming for vapers in Hawaii as politicians unanimously voted in favour of the new legislation.
The Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2020 bill means any vape shops selling mislabeled e-liquid can be fined up to $2,000.
It goes further, with anyone under the age of 21 ‘caught’ with flavoured vape juice fined $10 – forced to attend a tobacco cessation re-programming course as well as serving 3 hours community service!
Repeat offenders could be fined $50 and be made to do up to 72 hours community service!
So…a 20-year-old serving in the military can’t vape on anything other than tobacco or menthol or face fines and community service?
The world’s gone mad…
Hawaii health official Dr. Forrest Batz [nicknamed batty?] said:
The big deal is that these are products that contain nicotine and that the age group that we’re highly concerned about is the same group whose brains are still growing.
As I said…the world’s gone mad…
More Vape News on Sunday!