Home Brands Ploom JTI Expands Investment in Poland’s Tobacco Market

JTI Expands Investment in Poland’s Tobacco Market

JTI Expands Investment in Poland’s Tobacco Market

According to a report from the White House on September 27th, Japan Tobacco International (JTI) will be increasing its investment in Poland to 1.3 billion US dollars and promoting its heated tobacco device, PloomX. The tobacco inserts used in this device will be produced in Poland.

The heated tobacco products market in Poland is experiencing significant growth, currently accounting for over 10% of the overall tobacco products market. In Warsaw alone, this proportion has surpassed 25%. The market is estimated to be worth 4.8 billion złoty.

The innovative tobacco product factory in Stare Gostków near Łódź is increasing its production of tobacco sticks for the PloomX device to meet the growing demand for these products in Poland and around the world.

Yan Sobolevskyy, the Operations Director of JTI Poland’s factory, has stated that the factory has increased its workforce by over 100 employees this year alone, with an investment value of over $200 million in innovative tobacco products manufacturing. This is the only JTI factory of its kind outside of Japan, and JTI is expected to further invest heavily in the production of innovative products and the entire production center in Stare Gostków.

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