According to a report from The Hindu on December 13th, the police in Bengaluru and Kottayam recently conducted raids on two gift shops resulting in the seizure of e-cigarette products worth Rs 2.6 million. This operation also led to the apprehension of five individuals, including the shop owners and those involved in the illegal sale of banned products in the city and its surroundings.
Acting on specific information, the police swiftly executed the search warrants, confiscating not only e-cigarettes but also several foreign cigarette brands. The suspects have been formally charged under the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), and investigations are currently underway to uncover the origin and network of the defendants.
In their ongoing efforts to maintain law and order, the police have intensified their vigilance across the city, particularly focusing on preventing the sale of drugs and other prohibited items during the upcoming New Year celebrations.