Home Brands Ploom Eight products of logic electronic cigarette of Japan Tobacco have been authorized by PMTA

Eight products of logic electronic cigarette of Japan Tobacco have been authorized by PMTA


On March 24, the official website of FDA showed that some products of logic, an e-cigarette brand of Japan Tobacco International, were authorized by PMTA, such as logic vapeleaf, logic power, logic pro, etc., mainly tobacco flavor, and mint flavor is still under review.

This is the second electronic cigarette product authorized by PMTA after VUSE of British American tobacco.

Logic products reviewed by PMTA:

Logic Regular Cartridge/Capsule Package

Logic Vapeleaf Cartridge/Capsule Package

Logic Vapeleaf Tobacco Vapor System

Logic Pro Tobacco e-Liquid Package

Logic Pro Capsule Tank System

Logic Pro Capsule Tank System

Logic Power Tobacco e-Liquid Package

Logic Power Rechargeable Kit

Logic is an electronic cigarette manufacturer in the United States. It was acquired by Japan Tobacco International in April 2015. It has multiple electronic cigarette categories.

Vapeleaf: This is the only HTP authorized by FDA except iqos of Philip Morris International. Due to patent dispute, this product is not sold in the United States, but in other countries under the brand of ploom tech of JTI.

Logic power: a rechargeable cigar like device with a traditional screw in atomizer supplement.

Electronic capsule with embedded logic: 1.5 ml, which can hold electronic liquid.

Logic is the second company approved by FDA to sell electronic cigarette products. In October 2021, the agency authorized RJ Reynolds (RJR) vapor company to provide marketing licenses for three outdated steam products for its VUSE solo equipment and two tobacco flavored smoke bombs.

The agency also denied that VUSE PMTA was used for flavoring products other than tobacco.

It is worth noting that neither logic products authorized today nor VUSE solo occupy a considerable share in the U.S. e-cigarette market. The most popular mass market e-cigarettes, such as Juul and VUSE Alto cartridge change e-cigarettes, are still under FDA review.

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