The German youth smoking rate has dropped to the lowest level in decades, according to the latest German adolescent health education center report released on Monday.
The survey was conducted from April to June 2019, involving 7000 German teenagers aged 12 to 25. According to the survey, 5.6% of German adolescents aged 12 to 17 smoke occasionally or frequently, and 21.2% of those aged 18 to 25 smoke. These two values are the lowest in Germany since the relevant survey data.
At the same time, 85.1% of German 12-17-year-olds said they had never smoked cigarettes, while 45.9% of 18-25-year-olds had never smoked. These two values are the highest in Germany since the relevant survey data.
It is necessary for the Federal Parliament to introduce laws and regulations to further strengthen the restrictions on tobacco advertising, so as to keep the smoking rate of German teenagers at a low level for a long time, German Federal anti drug Commissioner Ludwig said on the 1st.
Tez, director of the German Federal Health Education Center, said that while the smoking rate of German teenagers was declining, the proportion of young people who smoked marijuana was on the rise. This trend is worrying, because smoking marijuana is particularly harmful to the physical development and physical and mental health of teenagers. Germany has been conducting regular surveys on smoking among adolescents since 1973.
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