Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monthly Archives: March, 2023

Beat Smoking Like The Swedes! Proof Tobacco Harm Reduction Works!

The WVA (World Vapers’ Alliance) are urging other countries to “Beat Smoking Like The Swedes“! Members of the EU have a goal to become...

CAPHRA Members Urge COP10 Delegations to Include Consumers  

Sadly vapers and tobacco harm reduction experts have year after year been completely left out...

More Proof That The “Gateway” Theory Is Not True

An often cited myth is that using vapes is a gateway to starting cigarette smoking. This has been disproved many times but another article...

Australian Regulator Proposes a Vape Flavour Ban

Australia has some of the lowest vaping rates and also one of the lowest rates...

Scottish Vapers – Have Your Say!

I wrote previously about the fact that Scotland is planning a review on disposable vapes. A member of the UKVIA (UK Vaping Industry Association)...

Study Finds No Link Between Vaping And Cardiovascular Disease

Titled, “Longitudinal associations between exclusive and dual use of electronic nicotine delivery systems and cigarettes...

Top 10 disposable vape manufacturer

Disposable vapes have become increasingly popular over the years due to their convenience and ease of use. With so many brands out there, it...