There have been many quotes from health professionals and smoke free organisations regarding their thoughts on electronic cigarettes. Here are just a few…
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- Why is your concern about my ‘addiction’ more important than my concern about getting lung cancer? Elaine Keller Tweet This
- Our estimate is that the e cigarette is probably in the order of 99% less harmful than smoking. Prof Carl Phillips Tweet This
- Safe doesn’t exist – But e cigs are low risk compared to regular cigarettes. David Sweanor: Former WHO Adviser Tweet This
- No Doubt about it, the e cig can save many lives and hundreds of millions of pounds. D Halpern, UK Govt Nudge Unit Tweet This
- In comparison to tobacco products they are safer by several orders of magnitude. D Arnott, Action of Smoking & Health Tweet This
There are of course loads of quotes out there, if you have a favourite leave it in the comments below!